Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I’m amazed that you can pick and choose what you need to fill your narrative and present it as medical fact. 😏
I just share articles that I have read:found….. I am willing to listen to any true testing that has been done.
Bonds did test positive but the results were supposed to be confidential. Leaked by a couple of reporters who found where sound was filtering from the meetings. Bonds did everything necessary to make Cooperstown, then sacrificed it all to pursue a hallowed record he doesn’t even approach without juice…sole purpose. It was a travesty and he’s paying the appropriate price. I wouldn’t mind his inclusion one day…as long as he’s not alive to enjoy it.
The crazy thing about Bonds is that Skinny Barry hits 600 HR, and probably makes a run at 600 SB - and is actually considered in the group of 3-4 best ever.

But he had to be Fat Barry - and his career numbers are meaningless.
Bonds was an excellent player without the juice. Very possibly a HoFer. It wasn't about needing that extra oomph just to make it in the league. FFS, he was already a star before he started juicing. He didn't need 'roids to be successful. He had the talent already.
Skinny Barry was 100% a HOF player.

If he had simply quit, when he decided to juice - he’s in the Hall.
You got me Johnny Cochran. Dave Otto was an Oakland Athletics pitcher. Obviously meant Jim Otto, but fair is fair. Legalize every PED and enshrine Bonds now. 😴
It was a legit question bc I wasn’t sure. I’d advise not ready the Last Headbanger when it details the 1970’s Raiders.
It was a legit question bc I wasn’t sure. I’d advise not ready the Last Headbanger when it details the 1970’s Raiders.
I don’t believe you. You sure had a ready literary reference for someone who was HONESTLY confused. Why lie when you’re on the side of magnanimous scientific curiosity?
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I don’t believe you. You sure had a ready literary reference for someone who was HONESTLY confused. Why lie when you’re on the side of magnanimous scientific curiosity?
i can barely remember what I had for lunch…. i have to look and make sure if I remember things, correctly.
I didn’t know I was juicing when I had Bronchitis. 😂
So that was what Jerry Lewis was fighting? Two celebrities with swollen head confirmed using STEROIDS. One to treat pulmonary fibrosis and the other to start hitting home runs. Nothing to see here. 😏
They’re STEROIDS. One super boosts muscular performance, the other aids in a medical treatment. BOTH had the side-effect of melon head. The average person doesn’t benefit from taking one for no reason and extended use isn’t ideal for any health plan. Blink when the brain receives blood.
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That’s why he took steroids. And the side effect was cranial swelling. Just like Barry Boy testing his midlife crisis and wanting to hit homeruns.
It can be a side effect but it is rare…. It is much more common with Human Growth Hormone which Barry took as well.The disease Jerry Lewis had is much more common in causing edema in his face/skull area.
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