Recruiting Football Talk VIII

It can be a side effect but it is rare…. It is much more common with Human Growth Hormone which Barry took as well.The disease Jerry Lewis had is much more common in causing edema in his face/skull area.
So the stick in your craw is shorting the ill effects of HGH. I’ll throw you a bone. A daily regimen of cheat drugs of any kind ain’t conducive to a healthy life. It’s dangerous and irresponsible and damaging your body to pursue a record is beyond stupid and shouldn’t be rewarded by the honor of HOF. All better?
So the stick in your craw is shorting the ill effects of HGH. I’ll throw you a bone. A daily regimen of cheat drugs of any kind ain’t conducive to a healthy life. It’s dangerous and irresponsible and damaging your body to pursue a record is beyond stupid and shouldn’t be rewarded by the honor of HOF. All better?
Any different than other unhealthy choices that people make on a daily basis?
It can be a side effect but it is rare…. It is much more common with Human Growth Hormone which Barry took as well.The disease Jerry Lewis had is much more common in causing edema in his face/skull area.
No coincidence it’s listed as a side effect and both used steroids.
You're saying all steroids are the same? He pretty clearly said anabolic, and you throw out a cortico as a counter point?
I didn’t…that’s your juxtaposition. Two people used a form of steroids and two people’s heads swole way beyond normal. It pleases me that it bothers you.

Everything about this clip gives me chills. The opening drone shot behind Neyland with the VOLS letters and the Pride on the field. And the running through the T with Brad Nessler saying “Bring em out Smokey” and the close follow up shot behind Smokey as the T opens up. It’s probably my favorite intro ever that shows how awesome the Neyland experience is.

CBS had some awesome footage. I’ll miss everything about the CBS broadcast. Gary Danielson was the only thing about CBS that SEC fans dislike.

The GOAT college football game. 🏈

Cool story bro. Ever since I was around 9 or 10 I have sung alternate lyrics to that's so ingrained that I heard it a few years ago and started singing to my wife:

"Your breasts are round,
That bra is never gonna keep 'em down!"

She replies, "I'm not wearing one...." That's how you keep the spark in a 20+ year relationship. Sing silly songs about your wife's anatomy so she can reply in a sexy, inviting way.
Yep, every year.
I have a theory that he may have allergies that are endemic to Knoxville that he’s never treated. Should see an allergy specialist. I know it’s been four years but Moving from someplace like Orlando to Knoxville is an adjustment for your respiratory system if you have issues.

It blows my mind how much worse allergies are here in North and Central Florida than they are in places like Knoxville. I grew up working in the yard at my grandparents Fountain City house and Ft. London lake house and was surrounded by a variety of trees, flowering bushes and actual flowers, as well as grass and fields everywhere. No allergies, ever.

FL has pine trees everywhere, a good bit of oaks, some magnolias and most of the rest are citrus trees brought north. Little to no flowers or flowering bushes and much less grass but I developed allergies shortly after moving here and my wife's got worse.

The stupid trade winds bring all the airborne dust and other crap from Africa that the large herds kick up and dump it right where I live for a good chunk of the year. Also, nothing worse to walking outside the day after a car wash and seeing a full half inch of yellow pollen (tree sperm) covering your entire vehicle and blowing in your house doors. Yuck! Surprised that I haven't been impregnated and sprouted a pine tree out my backside yet...
I’m sure the media will pump up a defensive lineman to win it for the first time ever.

I'm fine if it's Pearce. His season might just be good enough to justify it, too. Put up 15-20 sacks, lots of TFLs, some FF on strip sacks and tack on another pick six when dropping into a zone.

Tall task for any defender to win it in this era of elite offense but he is a guy who could do it.
This is going to get some bad responses............BUT

I promise everyone that I hate UF as much as I hate Mu**ay State.........but I freaking loved The 'Ole Ball Coach. He was an a$$ and an instagter, but he was unique and fun to listen to.
I just wish he'd stayed at Duke.

Nah he’s a bum. Just like Tim Tebow.
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Prednisone/Prednisolone is a corticosteroid. Completely different class of steroid than anabolic steroids with different mechanisms of action and different results on the body. Examples of anabolic steroids are stanozolol, nandrolone, boldenone, etc etc.

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