Recruiting Football Talk VIII

New OU cope dropped: our win doesn’t really count because Seth Littrell was a bad hire. Also because they started Jackson Arnold instead of the backup.

But every win every other program has had against us with Dooley, Jones, Pruitt, Sal Sunseri, Justin Worley, Jarrett Guarantano, etc counts and just proves how bad we are.
in all fairness we would blame saban, sankey, ncaa, officiating, butch, dooley, urban,fulmer, hamilton, kiffin, bagels, cheese, britain, and pie
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horrible satire
It won't end up mattering because we will get to play two more top 10 teams, but this ass narrative that OK lost more than UT won is garbage. They could have started the other QB and we'd have run that guy off the field. We gave up a late TD late playing backups and everyone randomly acts like this game was close.
It won't end up mattering because we will get to play two more top 10 teams, but this ass narrative that OK lost more than UT won is garbage. They could have started the other QB and we'd have run that guy off the field. We gave up a late TD late playing backups and everyone randomly acts like this game was close.
Eh... I'm sure there's fans pushing some form of that narrative.

But I think most football people look at it, at least from what I've seen, as a defensive game between two really good defenses that dictated how that game was gonna be played.

Neither team got good o line play consistently. Both qbs turned it over multiple times.

But we have more answers offensively, and ultimately that was the difference.

Maxim game off I ever saw one.
Definitely crystal bridges. And downtown bentonville is right there next to it with lots of cool stuff to do (shops, restaurants, Onyx Coffee Lab that won some awards at the global coffee competition, Walmart museum, 21C art hotel open to the public).

There's some really good casual hiking trails around the museum and a few miles away in Bella Vista if you all are into hiking.
All good suggestions, love hiking in Bella Vista - I also think Wright’s is closed on Sundays. Lots to do in downtown Bentonville
It won't end up mattering because we will get to play two more top 10 teams, but this ass narrative that OK lost more than UT won is garbage. They could have started the other QB and we'd have run that guy off the field. We gave up a late TD late playing backups and everyone randomly acts like this game was close.
I posted before the game a question... Would they just say that OK just was overrated if the vols won? If we'd have ran them, you know that would have been the narrative. Now that it was relatively close they're claiming we didn't beat them bad enough.
It won't end up mattering because we will get to play two more top 10 teams, but this ass narrative that OK lost more than UT won is garbage. They could have started the other QB and we'd have run that guy off the field. We gave up a late TD late playing backups and everyone randomly acts like this game was close.
it was close bc we ran clock.

End of story
Feedback from friends that traveled.

The fan experience was excellent. it would be hard for us not to cheer for OU the remaining of their season.

Their fans are great. Tailgates welcome to all, food and beverage ,you name it. Just good people that love their team and school but decent humans to opposing fans that travel.
That's what I hear and have long heard. Punks on the internet are not necessarily indicative.
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What I mean is, this forum has a handful of guys who have been commenting in here for a long time so your thoughts and opinions are listened to, while newcomers are generally ignored from what I've seen. Which is fine, it's yalls thing and you guys are basically a tight knit friend group, so i appreciate you responding to the new guy. Go vols!
I would say the opposite. This forum takes good content and ideas from anyone. Crazy stances are usually flushed, but that's just so it doesn't look like FF.
Yep. I think he's probably right. . . or it won't be this season if he does recover. Arnold's head has to be in bad shape.
they pretty much decided last night that he was going to have to go somewhere else to start

they let a good QB walk to go with Arnold and he hasn't turned out like they thought, and the staff likes that freshman QB WAY MORE than Arnold anyway. Even if he played a better game last night, the freshman is killing it in practice and coming along quickly.
they pretty much decided last night that he was going to have to go somewhere else to start

they let a good QB walk to go with Arnold and he hasn't turned out like they thought, and the staff likes that freshman QB WAY MORE than Arnold anyway. Even if he played a better game last night, the freshman is killing it in practice and coming along quickly.
I wish they started the other guy so they couldn't be singing the "if he played the full game" song.

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