Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I get it. However. I dont base my musical choices on those of 22-24 yo women. Glad he is a VFL, still have no idea who he is.
He sucks “in so many ways it is immeasurable” - but you have “no idea who he is”?

That’s an odd take…

Morgan Wallen sucks, in so many ways it is immeasurable. That isnt music.

Why not get Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, hell Id pay to see a Zeppelin Reunion.
What I mean is, this forum has a handful of guys who have been commenting in here for a long time so your thoughts and opinions are listened to, while newcomers are generally ignored from what I've seen. Which is fine, it's yalls thing and you guys are basically a tight knit friend group, so i appreciate you responding to the new guy. Go vols!
You can safely ignore Weez.

Erbody listened to you. Good post.

Also this:
It's also because a lot of random drop in trolls come in here for a few days or a week or two. Just dropping random thoughts unrelated to current conversation or being straight up confrontation with other posters here that have been commenting for awhile.
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Honestly am surprised at this take..

Hawkins wouldn't have done 💩 with another quarter...the only reason any of that happened was because we softened up and sat back in the 4th.

This fool claims to be some football guru film could he not see that? was obvious as hell-o to me.

I don't think Hawkins would have survived much longer as hard as we were hitting him.

Also pissed off we waited so long to start spying him with AC. That would have put a stop to that.
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Is the term “oskie” a UT only thing? I was very surprised when they acted like they didn’t know that term last night
Yes. It's in the General's Maxim #5, of course. It was still in use as a shout to the defense to alert them to start blocking when Majors was here. I don't know about Fulmer, but I think it likely. It is thought perhaps to derive from a song at Illinois, but it wasn't a football term there.

Ok. 24 hrs later. Here is what I think I know (maybe I know I know). Josh Heupel is truly a football genius.

I truly believe that Tennessee went unto this game with a very similar plan as they have had all season. Maybe a few different looks and whatnot, but similar. Oklahoma (as per their coach) had been game planning this game since January. They were throwing looks at Tennessee that had not been shown on film. At some point early on in the game Heupel changes his strategy completely...and in doing so, also decides to give the rest of the SEC a wake up call. I truly don't think the team expected this change (but believed in their coach). Heupel made.a statement in this game to the rest of the SEC. You wanna grind it out? We are fully capable of doing that too.
This is what appears to be separating CJH from similar coaches before him. Those innovative offensive coaches that struggled to win at an elite level. The ones with nicknames like "basketball on turf" because the offense was wide-open and exciting. But basically every one of those coaches were so married to the "innovation" they were bringing to the table that they forgot it was still a football game at its core. CJH brings those innovative offensive ideas but they are just the icing on the cake. Underneath it he has the main ingredients of physicality, toughness, chemistry, competitiveness, resiliency and the ability to not be stubborn and to do whatever it takes to win even if it means "going old school" at times.
No offense, but if you're a DD delivery driver with a family, football games arent your highest priority. Victim mentality on display.

If you want disposable income, save. Or get another job, or two. Ive worked three before. Tons of fun. Also walked to work, everyday. Was about 2 miles, but I needed money. Funny thing, not having makes you work harder.
Did you read the article, or stop right there? was a joke..
No offense, but if you're a DD delivery driver with a family, football games arent your highest priority. Victim mentality on display.

If you want disposable income, save. Or get another job, or two. Ive worked three before. Tons of fun. Also walked to work, everyday. Was about 2 miles, but I needed money. Funny thing, not having makes you work harder.
Did you even read that whole thing?...or did you just stop at the Door Dash part? It was all a freaking joke...he went on to say his wife is only worth 32 million, and so they have had to cut back on luxury vacations all over the world, and only have one small yacht, and now only have a Rolls Royce and one other luxury car, and had to move back to the 2nd row of their 50 yard line luxury suite..

It was a joke..🤦‍♂️
Hey man…I’m just sharing 😭😂 for perspectives only..I’m sure he will not be the only one..but you can’t blame someone for wanting to contribute but financially can’t and that’s entirely fine…personally i think the article is kind of a “pitty me” article..everyone has a choice in what they choose to do and if you can’t that’s ok too..just unfortunate for anyone in that situation ya know?
You posted that..did you not read it all either?
I don’t believe that to be the case, but we will see when the advanced stats come out and more video breakdowns

OL still biggest problem on roster and it’s not close
Today our receivers won less than they usually do. But if you go back and watch and study some on these short designed throws they are there, he just isn't seeing/anticipating them.

There are many issues with this team. Inexperienced o line, inexperienced QB, inexperienced head coach. This week in particular the play calling seemed disjointed, just calling random plays instead of setting things up. That's exactly what Green Bay did to our defense.

I'm not laying the blame 100% on Levis. But as it stands his skills won't get it done. He has to anticipate better, needs a vibe with his receivers.

The o line needs to block better, the coach needs to get a better feel for in game play calling. But the receivers are winning. They are getting that small window needed for passes, and Levis is seeing it just a little too late.
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