Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I call BS, Willie Nelson wasn't considered country either..... It's why he left and went back to his roots in Texas.

Willie would co sign on lots of Wallens music.....

For what it's worth Willie is an effing genius. He sings country/western music in jazz cadence and no one was the wiser. It's why so many people love him and his music outside his genre.........
It is country. Young ppl in the country are all about that music. It's perfectly trendy too in that it's pretty universally loved. Country rap kinda thing.
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It is country. Young ppl in the country are all about that music. It's perfectly trendy too in that it's pretty universally loved. Country rap kinda thing.
Not traditional though, and that's fine. Country was always about meeting people where they were and telling a story at the simplest level.

In that respect it qualifies. But traditionalist would disagree. Good music is good music, I love it all!
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You can safely ignore Weez.

Erbody listened to you. Good post.

Also this:
No one ignores Weezer!

Anyone else chapped by Wanya Morris citing UT and Oklahoma as his Colleges on Sunday night football position intros?
I think Birmingham forced the Okies to agree to that so they could include Bama video in that QB's championship game intro a while back. Prolly turned it into a thing. I no like.

(But with Wanya, I'm not at all sure he had any choice in the matter and he picked an out of conference team. I'll give those Okie transfers that. They're no To'o To'o punks those guys.)
The point is playing that extra game. I almost am thinking I'd rather miss the championship game and save the bodies. Sort of like an early exit in the SEC basketball tournament when you're getting a good seed anyway.
I agree. Especially a highly ranked team that risks even missing the playoffs all together with a loss if the committee gets weird.
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No...the thing people like him will never understand is that they are the #1 reason that it is gotten away with.

They just accept it..and refuse to acknowledge it no matter how freaking obvious it is...and so the powers that he will always just keep getting away with it.

If EVERYBODY nationwide would pitch a major Shianomo type of revolt against this garbage and make it the #1 topic everywhere all the time, whether you think it's just always incompetence, or if you think it is purposeful corruption...something would be done.

But it will never happen...because of the millions of people that although they hate it, they just accept the 🦬💩.
Oh I understand the issue completely but sitting around and pissing and moaning about it isn't going to solve the issue.

So what you say we do, march down to Birmingham league office as a group and burn our boxers and say we're not going to take it anymore?

Maybe just Boycott watching the games, which we know isn't going to happen.

In life individuals should pick and choose the battles that are winnable and sorry to say this battle has been fought for many years and the fans haven't won yet.

But if you can come up with a plan that may work, then I'm in.
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It won't end up mattering because we will get to play two more top 10 teams, but this ass narrative that OK lost more than UT won is garbage. They could have started the other QB and we'd have run that guy off the field. We gave up a late TD late playing backups and everyone randomly acts like this game was close.
I don't think anyone believes it outside of about one-half of the Okies who are preaching it.
Watching these Oklahoma media and youtube ppl react has showed me that:

They are not used to things not going well for them. Very much a "how could this be happening to US, the Great Oklahoma!" They have a hard time recognizing just how bad we outclassed them because of how spoiled they've been. They think it's more of their fault rather than our fault.

Well Oklahoma....there ain't no more flyover-backwater stiffs to inflate your all time record with. You ain't competing against kids that grew up counting kernals in a crop circle.

Welcome to the mf-ing SEC, the REAL SOUTH where we got the biggest fastest meanest black, white and....POLYNESIAN mfers, ready to provide you a most unwelcome amount of B2A-ness.

Happy 0-1.
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