Recruiting Football Talk VIII

You posted that..did you not read it all either?
I'll answer for him. Nah, that bruh was trolling. It was sheer accident that the joke was on him. He thought the joke was on DW and all of us. But it was "just for the sake of responsibly providing diversity of perspective," anyway, you see. :rolleyes:
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That 5 seed is going to be the sweet spot.
Play the G5 champ and then the B12 Champ.
Yes, and that is F'd up. Should be true seeding. And you forgot to add that the 5 seed gets to play at home. I decided not to bring this up during the season, because there is nothing anyone can do about it now. But it has been on my mind ocassionally.
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You joke but in HS our grounds crew had a Chevy LUV - with Isuzu 4 banger. That sumbitch had like 400K on it. Toyota has about 750,000 variants of its Diesel pickup overseas. You see them everywhere.
I learned to drive a stick shift in a Chevy LUV truck - and all of the other 3 who knew how - were asleep! Two in the truck bed and one in the passenger seat…trial and error and not a one woke up!

Would you rather:

Go 12-0 and lose in the SEC championship?

Go 11-1 and miss the SEC championship and host a playoff game?
Hosting a the first 12 team playoff game ever would be insane. But can’t really decide there. Having championship week off if we’re going to lose anyway might be better for the team to get some rest before the playoff stretch.
It was Tennessee's defense. :D

Yes, but going against 5 pieces of Swiss cheese for an OL and an offense with barely any WR's didn't hurt.....especially with our secondary and LBs blasting their few healthy weapons with intent to maim and our DL shoving their 300lb pieces of Swiss cheese into the backfield into their QVs and RBs or blasting through their gaps.

I'm convinced that the Pili hit on Arnold slightly concussed him when his head bounced on the turf. I don't think they have a true QB controversy, OU staff just took a while to realize how many cobwebs Arnold had in his head and decide to protect him. Their backup was shiftier and had a few better passes but was also aided by us being slightly less aggressive and the zebras helping him out.

Maybe I'm wrong and the backup is a gamer but he has a very slim frame for their brutal schedule and obviously their staff saw more from Arnold in capstone make them feel he provided the best chance to win. It was stupid to let D. Gabriel go to Oregon, though.'s the burrito that is to be inserted into someone's rectum if K-state loses to BYU.....I noticed it was not an 'El Grande" size burrito...
I do not know time that insertion will take place...stay tuned...

here we go..............does not say if it will be shown live around the world, if it will be pay-per view or streamed free.....EMT team standing by if things go horribly wrong...

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Ol Cole ain't looking at the stat line. He's watching the actual game footage and seeing what happen at the LOS.

His praise for Pearce, ONL, Simmons, Moi, & West should tell y'all folks all you need to know.
Don't doubt JPJ's impact, even if he hasn't shown up on the stat sheet all that much
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Josephs, Pili, Jakobe Thomas. I love the entire defense but these 3 are my favorite to watch play.

Josephs is everywhere. Pili is everywhere. And Thomas murders people.

I heard mention that Boo was in street clothes in 2nd half due to concussion.

McCoy and Gibson just as fun as guys you mentioned. Between them, Boo/Harrison and front 7 we barely see the safeties (weakest link but still good, especially Jakobe) have to make more than a couple plays a game.

Gibson barely gets tested because he is lockdown and teams are realizing McCoy is too. Both are also extremely physical and sure tacklers in open field. I saw Gibson came up and stopped a RB in the opens field about 4 yards behind the line. Would have been a 10 yard+ gain otherwise.
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Bruh the amount of OK fans saying they could have won that game or we were very beatable makes me think they are the most delusional fan base ever. At no point was the game in danger for us. They keep saying “if we had a qb…blah blah blah”. Well if we had our tackles and they didn’t mess with their field we score at least 21 more. Hell even without that if the refs don’t try their hardest to keep them in the game we score at least 14 more. They act like our defense didn’t impact the way their offense played. Like they think Arnold just gave them the ball and we didn’t take it. Even on the interception that was all McCoy baiting Arnold to throw it and disguising his coverage. Arnold didn’t just throw it straight to McCoy while he was just standing there. This kind of pisses me off but it might be good cause all these other fans downplaying the win like some UGA fans are will be in for a big surprise when we play them JPJ, Pili and the boys are hittin the hell out of their qbs and causing turnovers. Surprisingly enough, it’s Bama fans who I see the most actually giving the team credit for the win.
OU fans seem to be very classy. Not surprised as I loved OKC when I visited. But.....I bet many of the "nicest" fans wouldn't have been so charitable had they known how bad we were going to dominate them and then were still classy after because we are coached by Heupel.

Still guessing they are a classy fan base but would be a different story if we were one of their former Big 12 rivals.
Man you can complain about officials all you want but I refuse to die on that hill. Especially when there isn't a damn thing I or any fan can do about it.

Bad officiating is a issue in every conference in College Football just not the SEC .
I wasn't complaining about officiating. I was explaining what is wrong with the typical responses to people who do make a claim that officiating in a particular game was biased.

Conveniently for my purposes, you now provide a fresh example:
Bad officiating is a issue in every conference

My point is that even if that claim is true (i.e., bad officiating is an issue in every conference), that fact does not logically entitle the claimant to conclude that officiating therefore cannot be biased in a particular game. It invites easy agreement, so it may provide some rhetorical benefit, but it does not and cannot do any logical work.

State it the other way around and maybe it will be more clear: It could (logically) be true that there was officiating bias in a particular game and also be true that "bad officiating is an issue in every conference." There is no logical contradiction.

The same for other similar responses, such as "all fans complain about officiating." Or "officials are human and humans sometimes err." Or (the accidentally comic): "My coach taught me that only losers complain about the refs." Or (the most laughable): "I can vaguely imagine or at least make speeches about perfect robots." All of these claims could theoretically be true. But if they are true, there is no logical implication with respect to bias in a particular game.
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I learned to drive a stick shift in a Chevy LUV truck - and all of the other 3 who knew how - were asleep! Two in the truck bed and one in the passenger seat…trial and error and not a one woke up!
I was intentionally taught to drive in a straight shift, too. It seems like the best way to teach, so the kid then has the option if wanted or necessary. But I doubt it happens that much anymore.

I do bet you were hell on wheels. 😂
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I enjoy ragging on the Okies. I hate that team. But I hate everybody but us, so that's not as special as it feels when we play them. I guess some Okie fans are 💩heads and some are great fans. The great fans one is more likely to meet in real life, the 💩heads on the internet. So long as our guys stay focused on the next game and keep winning, I reckon it doesn't mean much what the fans of the teams we beat say after they lose. So long as we find a way to enjoy their carping.
I was intentionally taught to drive in a straight shift, too. It seems like the best way to teach, so the kid then has the option if wanted or necessary. But I doubt it happens that much anymore.

I do bet you were hell on wheels. 😂
I haven't driven stick in so long I'm not certain I have the coordination for it anymore. Automatic has spoiled me.
It must be rough to have to keep your husband muzzled in the RV so he isn’t constantly barking…or maybe she uses a bark collar? 😇

Sorry @SmokinBob , I couldn’t resist 😊
😅 He and a Tennessee guy were discussing Georgia‘s potential games that could be a challenge this year and some random Tennessee guy walked by and started in on him - being a complete jerk - got my dander up - I ended up telling him to go home (the random Tennessee guy, not Mr Smokin’) 🤭

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