Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Hard to use PFF for grading lineman because they simply don’t know the play call and the responsibility of said lineman. Without knowing that they are just grading based on 1 on 1’s correct me if I’m wrong? Which is great for that aspect of the game but if anybody has in actuality played the position there is more to it…
Lol do you think Larry Johnson played well? Do you think Dayne Davis played poorly? Do their grades correlate with their performance?

Or is it only Spraggs grade you take issue with?

How about the sterling grades for our DL?

But by all means tell us more about your glory days when you “played the position”…
The racist comments he was caught on video making.
Throwing chairs off rooftop bars.
🤷‍♂️ Rock stars cheating on their wives and fathering bastard children, destroying their families. Rappers gangbanging and sending shooters after each other. If I judged everybody because of the mistakes they made in life I wouldn't listen to any music, have any friends, or do anything cause everybody I know has made mistakes. Also I remember back when rock stars/ Johnny Cash etc. did wild stuff it was considered cool and edgy/ outlaw. I guess that was before a large portion of Western society became massive pansies.

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