Recruiting Football Talk VIII

From what I've seen. His agent told the coaches he won't go until he's 100%.
I was told this as well. He did not want to put any negative tape out with this being his final year before draft.

I hope this does not become a locker room issue. I think the culture is strong but you never know…..
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I was told this as well. He did not want to put any negative tape out with this being his final year before draft.

I hope this does not become a locker room issue. I think the culture is strong but you never know…..
He is a true sophomore this year. He isnt draft eligible
Ernest Byner, he won a Super Bowl on that Doug Williams led Redskins team
Yea , Browns should've been in the Super Bowl 2 years in a row if not for the Fumble by Byner and The Drive by led by Elway the year prior. I really liked Bernie Kosar at QB, the man ran like molasses but could sling the ball pretty good.

Only 2nd to Jim Kelly as best QB from University of Miami. Don't tell me Vinny Testaverde or Steve Walsh.😜😜😜
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I feel like the Heard thing is being made a bigger deal than what it actually is, his agent told the coaches he didn’t Want him playing until he is 100% and Heup was ok with it but didnt want to being him since itd count against the travel limit, nothing more or less than that. Literally everything AP and everyone else has said, there’s nothing to be worried about
Happy Wednesday. I am grateful for countless things, but I am grateful for this bye week and for all rhe fun we have had thus far.

September 25, 2024: Count your blessings and be thankful for all that you are, all that you know, all that you do, and all that you have. Remember that you are nothing, know nothing, do nothing, and have nothing apart from God. But, by his grace and empowerment, you are able to enjoy blessings beyond imagination. Psalm 103:1-2 Bless the Lord, O my soul; and ask that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.
So according to AP, the program was under the impression that Heard would be available against OU, but he apparently didn’t want to wait until Saturday to test his ankle and decided to just stay home mid last week.

That would be a puzzling decision from a guy trying to get himself on draft boards to just stay home if he could’ve potentially played. Idk. Maybe he doesn’t want to risk a long term injury with only a year of eligibility left. I know that field wouldn’t have done him any favors.

Hopefully he’ll be back against Arkansas and we won’t have to think about it going forward.
Where did you hear him say this? Cuz the latest podcast he states, “Heard practiced Monday feeling like he could go. His ankle blew up and was in a boot the rest of week.”
Believe it or not: After a so-called panda began barking and panting like a dog, a Chinese zoo admitted that its pandas were just painted pups.

If they are willing to do this for something so trivial, just think of all the things that they have done in significant situations. Cheating in the Olympics, covering up issues regarding Covid and how it spread so rapidly, etc.
Guys and gals, my family and I have been at the ER for most of the night (my mom and brother are still there, and Im about to head back that way). Any prayers you could send up, and any love you can spare is greatly appreciated.

My 85 year old granny fell last night and broke her hip; and, they're doing surgery later on. As you know, I've been living with and taking care of both her and my mom for the last 3 years, helping them both beat cancer. I was back here in my part of the house, and heard her land in the kitchen (that's how hard she hit, that i was able to hear it from my room), then she screamed something terrible. I ran in there and my heart broke. It was the most awful, most pitiful thing I have ever experienced. She was/is in bad shape, and in an extreme amount of pain.

She just got past being sick...beating breast cancer here in the last bit, and doing so with a broken back; yeah, she's been through the ringer the last few years. I just took her Friday for tests, after she felt another lump in the other breast. The radiologist said it didn't look like anything to be concerned about, fatty tissue or such; she has her Dr's appointment, for the actual results, coming up. However, the contrast she drank for the MRI broke her out from head to toe, and she was itching something fierce Friday night into Saturday; she was feeling somewhat better from that yesterday, before she fell last night.

Anyway, again, please keep her in your thoughts, if you will. She's a trooper, and one of the toughest gals I've ever had the pleasure of knowing...if anyone can get past this, and come out stronger than ever on the other side, at her age, it's my granny. I'm a hardened pipeliner, who's worked underground and around heavy equipment for most of my life, and I believe what she's been through, and going through, would've killed me. I'm not even joking! She's BEYOND tough as nails.

Absolutely this household believes in the power of prayer, as we are a prime example of it. The good Lord has been amazing to us, and blessed us abundantly. He's seen us through time and time again.

Thank you all, and hope you have a safe/great day.
The fact that they are operating so quickly is actually a good thing. The longer they wait to fix a hip fracture the more likely complications occur. Recovery has significantly improved with early surgery and improved surgical techniques.

Exactly, what Ole Miss fans did to our basketball team just the year or two before was far more dangerous than what happened in Neyland that night but that got excused and swept under the rug. The officiating that night was criminal! The Singaporean government has executed people for less heinous crimes. It was stupid for the fans to do, but all the people acting like it was unprecedented, despicable and the end of the world were/are just as ignorant & pathetic as those people hurling things onto the field.
I was there and it was warranted and probably should have been worse. At the time I thought the officiating was criminally incompetent, now I am not so sure it wasn't intentional (I am more apt to believe a lot of conspiracy theories these days.)
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"The starting quarterback for undefeated UNLV announced on social media Tuesday that he will not play in any more games this season.

Matthew Sluka said he will instead use his redshirt year.

“I committed to UNLV based on certain representations that were made to me, which were not upheld after I enrolled," he posted on X, formerly Twitter. "Despite discussions, it became clear that these commitments would not be fulfilled in the future. I wish my teammates the best of luck this season and hope for the continued success of the program.

NIL (and the portal) has definitely changed the college football landscape. Some recruits go to a school only for the loyalty to the school, no concern for a school's academics, administration, coaches, teammates, winning's all about the benjamin's. They are no longer students getting a degree but are businessmen with agents making business decisions.
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Good grief. They've benched the guy for a true freshman b/c our defense smothered that entire offense and Hawkins (the true frosh backup) moved the ball a little bit in the second half. Wait until the OU fans figure out that that was b/c UT was playing 3rd and 4th string in the second half.

I'm not sure I could imagine a worse handling of a QB room. As mentioned, the news is that they literally ran Gabriel (super senior starter) off to pacify Arnold. Then they panicked in a game that they were NOT going to win, and sat Arnold for a true frosh who had very limited (but slightly better) success against our 3rd and 4th string defense. As I've watched the OU media since the game, it sounds like there will be a fan revolt if Arnold goes back in over the backup. And even if he did, the fans would be booing the poor guy like we did Guarantano. He's done at OU.

So, naturally, per the link in the tweet above:

View attachment 680403

Stay tuned for Arnold to transfer, which means that their handling of the QB room has wasted a super-senior that was trained up in the system by Heupel himself, as well as wasting a 5 star RSF QB, and left them dependent on a true freshman. Lord, thank you for the staff we have...

I'm a little bummed. First, for the Arnold kid. Second, for the Hawkins kid. Lastly, just because I wanted to see OU win out to help our SOS. Instead, it looks like that program is headed toward dumpster fire status. (Don't hate it for Stoops' sake, tho. I'll be honest.)
Venables is in over his head, there is a reason he stayed a highly touted assistant for so long. He didn't want to deal with the trappings of being a head coach but the money drew him out. He will be a great DC again in few years.
who here remembers Cleveland Stadium..the Browns literally played on painted dirt. Mack and Bernie Kozar..I liked that team. Who was the RB that fumbled at goal line against the Broncos? I liked that guy.
Earnest Byner and Kevin Mack were a great combination at RB for the Browns in the 80's.
I would obviously want both teams to lose or tie. But since there needs to be a winner, I’ll be for Alabama.

Alabama winning would give us a better chance for ABC to select Alabama/Tennessee as the primetime game. Neyland under the lights for that matchup would be all time.
There is no rooting interest in this game for a VFL. This is sacrilege. I would rather have my frostbitten testicles amputated than pull for Alabubba.

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