Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Speaking of gyms and ppl sucking…

Do all gyms have that “one guy”? You all know the guy I’m referring to…

I’m just minding my own business…got my headphones on…pushing through the day’s training…

All the sudden, that “one guy”…”UHHHH. UHHHH. UHHHH.” As he does his reps…slams weights down when he’s through his set…then proceeds to strut around like he’s done something…like, why not just come in wearing neon bright gym clothes so everyone can make sure and see him…THAT “one guy”? Oh…and he’s a little skinny dude too…

Do all gyms have that guy? Sheesh.
Usually has a massive upper body, and skinny legs. 'Natural'.
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I cut out all sodas of any kind. Diet, zero doesn’t matter I don’t drink it. The only thing I drink now is black coffee( no cream, no sugar) and water. I am on a high protein diet for weightlifting (strength training) and only take in about <1500 calories per day. I have been avoiding food with excess fat and sugar like the plague. So far I’ve lost about 13lbs while getting stronger every week. This is my 6 week mark as of today.

Best shape of my life right now but my journey has just begun. I’m down to 210 right now but my goal weight is 170–>180lbs but I want to be below 15% body fat %.
I gave up sodas over 30? Years ago. I drink water, beer in moderation and coffee once a week. Now if I taste soda of any kind, it tastes awful, like I could imagine how acid would taste. No thanks.
To the ones on the weight loss journey...congrats! I hover around 280 -290lbs @ 6ft 3in. I just turned 40 a few weeks ago. I really need to lose weight. I would like to get down to 250 again. Other than discipline with your routine...what foods/drinks did you cut out where you immediately saw a change?
Eliminating processed carbs and sugars will have an immediate impact on your mood, energy levels, and physique. If you can eliminate these and increase your protein intake to carve cravings you will see results. I highly recommend a full body workout split. Hit every muscle group daily, only doing 3 sets per muscle group. Your muscles wont fatigue and you can hit them hard everyday instead of being fatigued on your 4th or 5th movement when doing a traditional split. I’ve worked out consistently for the last 13years and switched to this a little over a year ago and I’m in the best shape of my life at 41. A buddy of mine started the split in January and is down 38 lbs also adding lean muscle mass. Happy to break this down for you in more detail if interested.

Also recommend a hydration/pink salt supplement. Kaged Hydracharge is my go to.

I am not a personal trainer and this strictly anecdotal from my years of lifting and adopting a health & fitness lifestyle in my late 20s. In the last few years I’ve immersed myself into biohacking and nerd out on ways to make the body perform optimally as I get older.
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Out of the hundreds of thousands of college athletes being paid NIL money each year, this is the only instance of this specific situation.

Seems like it’s working out pretty well.
Word is there are a lot of these situations brewing and people plugged into college football expect more.

Many states attorneys told their football staffs and collectives not to enter into written contracts because they might be in violation of NCAA rules. So there are a bunch of gentleman's agreements out there...... That's just the rumor TIFWIW.
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Congratulations on beginning your journey! I too am 6’3” and started out a little over 270. Began my journey the first week of June and I’m now at 255. That’s also when I started going to the gym. Started out at 3 days a week and now I’m at a 5 day a week split.

My 38” waist clothes are now loose on me. My triglycerides dropped 130 points in 3 months. My blood pressure dropped 20+ points both systolic and diastolic.

For me, it was sodas and chips/snacks. I do still drink a Diet Dew or two a day, but it’s mostly water and zero sugar Powerade (for electrolytes). Almost completely eliminated fast food and eating out as well. Eat mostly beef and chicken and some fish. Also eat white rice and steamed broccoli a lot.
I try to eat roughly 250g of good protein a day.

PSA: I’m not a physician nor am I giving medical advice. Just simply sharing my experience.

Good luck and take it one day at a time. You can do this!
I'm 6'3" and recently topped out at 300. I'm the strongest I've ever been from working the farm but I have to cut weight. Too much time spent working the farm to work out but I've decided to go protein and cut out cokes, been drinking some diet green tea. Any other recommendations?
To the ones on the weight loss journey...congrats! I hover around 280 -290lbs @ 6ft 3in. I just turned 40 a few weeks ago. I really need to lose weight. I would like to get down to 250 again. Other than discipline with your routine...what foods/drinks did you cut out where you immediately saw a change?
Sugar. Just start with that. Forget all the complicated macro calculations. Just cut out or mostly cut out sugar. Lift weights multiple times a week, even if multiple is just twice. Drink a lot of water every day. Shoot for 100 ounces.

Do those 3 things and you'll get most of the way to where you want to go. And it's sustainable, you won't feel like you're super restricting yourself, it's easy to become a person who does those 3 things indefinitely. If it gets too complicated or restrictive, most people won't be able to do it forever.

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