Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I'm 6'3" and recently topped out at 300. I'm the strongest I've ever been from working the farm but I have to cut weight. Too much time spent working the farm to work out but I've decided to go protein and cut out cokes, been drinking some diet green tea. Any other recommendations?
Im far from an expert…just have been researching a lot online and trying different things to find what works for me.

Like others have said, get away from the highly processed foods (essentially, most anything that are in the aisles at the grocery store). I now, for the most part, shop on the outside walls of the grocery. I stay away from fried foods and avoid vegetable/seed oils. (Research the history of those oils)

Eating high quality protein will satiate you and will help to prevent you from overeating. I will buy a big package of chicken breasts at Sam’s, split the breasts to make them thinner, then grill them on a Sunday. There’s a huge chunk of my protein for the week. (I also drink a 30g protein shake each morning as soon as I wake up. Drink a whey protein shake within 30 mins after my workouts). Drink a BUNCH of water.

It’s a slow process, but I just remind myself that my body didn’t get into bad shape overnight…it’s not going to get into good shape overnight either.

Consistency is the key IMO. I imagine with all the farm work that you do, you’re getting in great exercise. Just have to shore up the food intake and try to go at a calorie deficit each day. (I’ve regularly seen a daily 500 calorie deficit recommended, but as stated earlier, you hv to see what works best for you)

Best of luck on your journey!

EDIT: I also completely quit alcohol back in the spring.
I'm 6'3" and recently topped out at 300. I'm the strongest I've ever been from working the farm but I have to cut weight. Too much time spent working the farm to work out but I've decided to go protein and cut out cokes, been drinking some diet green tea. Any other recommendations?
Cutting out sodas are great. Start with that. Diet green tea will give you a lift in mood and stamina, but it won’t hold up long term, but will make you feel better. Unfortunately, your body will slow down losing weight at this time of year. Take your calorie intake down slow and listen to your body. Our bodies like to start bulking up this time of year. There’s a reason for that. Our bodies are geared to protect. Notice when we crave lighter meals and when we crave consistent big meals?
Mobsters telling the feds to outlaw liquor so they can police it.


Let bad programs picking bad players suffer. The market is infinitely more competent than the NCAA. This is an area I'd gladly debate with any glory day lovers. You cannot uncork free labor.

I love the argument:

“It’s a shame these kids aren’t getting the full amounts of their promised NIL dollars. So you should definitely give us back the power to punish them for getting any NIL dollars.”
Who is in charge of the UNLV Athletic Department? That statement is a death nail to their athletic program. RIP! Idiotic.
Why?...and it is knell, not nail...unless we are adding it to the VN lexicon..

I'm not being argumentative with this question...I am curious as to your thinking.
Curious about your full body workout…roughly, how long do you workout each day? I typically spend 1-1.25 hrs each day doing the traditional 5 day split. (Chest, back, shoulders, legs, arms)

Reason I ask, I don’t hv time to spend 3 hours a day in the gym like I’ve heard others I know doing.
HIIT is an uptempo place you could look. Works well for some people and could cut your gym time down
Calories consumed is not necessarily the same as calories absorbed. And calories leave the body in ways other than burning. If you store fat due to insulin dominance, keto is magic. When the hormonal issues get fixed, you start shedding extra calories as unburnt ketones and likely fat in feces, and losing weight far faster than could be accounted for by caloric deficit.
Keto works...period...I eat a lot, and I drop a half pound to 2 pounds every week.

I snack on pork rinds and cheeze during the day, and eat a lot of vegetables at mealtimes with real butter or olive oil during the week, and I eat a lot of meat and veggies, and I mean a lot on weekends.

50 pounds and counting.

I will have a cheat weekend, or when we are traveling for a few days where I eat anything I want, but I only do that once every two months or so. I figure it's good to reset every once in a while.

That works for me.
That is awesome. I have also be on a weight loss journey I have lost 103 lbs since January and never felt better.

I will say that without the help of the Lord I wouldn’t be here today.

No shots no pills just prayer and 20 carbs a day

Now is the time to put on more steam and keep pushing for the finish line. I will end with this scripture that has helped me through this hard journey

“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭31‬ ‭
Im far from an expert…just have been researching a lot online and trying different things to find what works for me.

Like others have said, get away from the highly processed foods (essentially, most anything that are in the aisles at the grocery store). I now, for the most part, shop on the outside walls of the grocery. I stay away from fried foods and avoid vegetable/seed oils. (Research the history of those oils)

Eating high quality protein will satiate you and will help to prevent you from overeating. I will buy a big package of chicken breasts at Sam’s, split the breasts to make them thinner, then grill them on a Sunday. There’s a huge chunk of my protein for the week. (I also drink a 30g protein shake each morning as soon as I wake up. Drink a whey protein shake within 30 mins after my workouts). Drink a BUNCH of water.

It’s a slow process, but I just remind myself that my body didn’t get into bad shape overnight…it’s not going to get into good shape overnight either.

Consistency is the key IMO. I imagine with all the farm work that you do, you’re getting in great exercise. Just have to shore up the food intake and try to go at a calorie deficit each day. (I’ve regularly seen a daily 500 calorie deficit recommended, but as stated earlier, you hv to see what works best for you)

Best of luck on your journey!

EDIT: I also completely quit alcohol back in the spring.
The last one might be a deal breaker!

What kind of protein shakes do you recommend?
Cutting out sodas are great. Start with that. Diet green tea will give you a lift in mood and stamina, but it won’t hold up long term, but will make you feel better. Unfortunately, your body will slow down losing weight at this time of year. Take your calorie intake down slow and listen to your body. Our bodies like to start bulking up this time of year. There’s a reason for that. Our bodies are geared to protect. Notice when we crave lighter meals and when we crave consistent big meals?
I was recently working a full and just time job, and the other stuff that needs done on the farm at morning and night. My part time job kept me really active. When I quit out of necessity, I was just too drained, I started gaining weight pretty quickly.

So if I eat fruits and stuff during the morning, maybe some straight protein at lunch I think I should start to get on track. My job keeps me at a desk all day. I think that was big issue, I was snacking all day instead of just eating a planned mean in morning and lunch.

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