Recruiting Football Talk VIII

To the ones on the weight loss journey...congrats! I hover around 280 -290lbs @ 6ft 3in. I just turned 40 a few weeks ago. I really need to lose weight. I would like to get down to 250 again. Other than discipline with your routine...what foods/drinks did you cut out where you immediately saw a change?
Any drink that’s sugary will help tremendously
He should. 16 games adds a lot of opportunities. 😀
Fair point. DSamp would still own the record. But McEver played 10 games and Cobb 12 or 13. (Cobb played 13, but bowl games only began counting toward single-season and career statistics in 2002. Idk if totals of previous seasons were recalculated to include bowls.)

Btw, DSamp is already in a 6-way tie for second place for most rushing TDs in a game with 4 last year against KY. Vol great Gene McEver scored 5 TDs in a 1929 game.
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Eliminating processed carbs and sugars will have an immediate impact on your mood, energy levels, and physique. If you can eliminate these and increase your protein intake to carve cravings you will see results. I highly recommend a full body workout split. Hit every muscle group daily, only doing 3 sets per muscle group. Your muscles wont fatigue and you can hit them hard everyday instead of being fatigued on your 4th or 5th movement when doing a traditional split. I’ve worked out consistently for the last 13years and switched to this a little over a year ago and I’m in the best shape of my life at 41. A buddy of mine started the split in January and is down 38 lbs also adding lean muscle mass. Happy to break this down for you in more detail if interested.

Also recommend a hydration/pink salt supplement. Kaged Hydracharge is my go to.

I am not a personal trainer and this strictly anecdotal from my years of lifting and adopting a health & fitness lifestyle in my late 20s. In the last few years I’ve immersed myself into biohacking and nerd out on ways to make the body perform optimally as I get older.
Curious about your full body workout…roughly, how long do you workout each day? I typically spend 1-1.25 hrs each day doing the traditional 5 day split. (Chest, back, shoulders, legs, arms)

Reason I ask, I don’t hv time to spend 3 hours a day in the gym like I’ve heard others I know doing.
Fair point. DSamp would still own the record. But Evers played 10 games and Cobb 13.

Btw, DSamp is already in a 5-way tie for second for most rushing TDs in a game with 4 last year against KY.
easy to see why teams are able to negative recruit HB's against us. We are a passing only offense.
Curious about your full body workout…roughly, how long do you workout each day? I typically spend 1-1.25 hrs each day doing the traditional 5 day split. (Chest, back, shoulders, legs, arms)

Reason I ask, I don’t hv time to spend 3 hours a day in the gym like I’ve heard others I know doing.
I’m in and out in 1-1.25 hrs and that’s including some core work. If I superset I can get it done under an hour.
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DD4ME hot takes (fade me if needed)

UGA loses to Bama and jeopardizes making the playoff.

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Both UT's make the SEC championship due to tiebreaker wins over UGA and Bama. It is literally the 1st battle for the real UT in SEC.

Win or lose TN is in the driver's seat.
I’ve been telling my buddies this same scenario for weeks!
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