Recruiting Football Talk VIII

@peaygolf I am learning to golf here and looking for a good entry level used putter i can get for under $50. I like the looks of the 2 ball putters, but have no clue. I currently have an old style Dunlop 120. Would appreciate thoughts.
I still use a 1996 Kirk Currie putter, with a grip I’ve had on it for 20 odd years,

With that being said, I’m tinkering with mallets. I think it’s like 8/10 of the top players in the world use a mallet. Easier to aim and less “twisting” on off center hits (MOI- moment of inertia)

You can get really good pre-owned Odyssey 2-Ball, Odyssey White Hot Rossie, putters for around $50-$60.

There are two good putters that not many are familiar with that you can probably find cheap.
Never Compromise and Guerrin-Rife.
My mom passed away tonight. She finally submitted to dementia. I’m almost 48 years old and somehow I just feel like a sad kid inside.
I’m so sorry for your loss……my mom has stage 4 cancer and honestly, it’s just a waiting game right now.

Praying for you and your family. Rest easy knowing God’s by your side, and she’s next to Him.
I love how everyone is blaming this on paying players, the players have always got paid. It has been that way since General Neyland was in short pants, it's just out in the open now. The real issue is the wide open portal. None of the craziness could happen without the totally unrestricted free agency we have in CFB today.
Yep, when the NCAA said no more sitting out a year when you transfer then the flood gates opened.
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I’m so sorry for your loss……my mom has stage 4 cancer and honestly, it’s just a waiting game right now.

Praying for you and your family. Rest easy knowing God’s by your side, and she’s next to Him.
Peay, so sorry you are going through this. It’s so hard to see the ones you love suffer. Prayers for peace and comfort for your mom, you, and your family.
That's three guys counting the guy at USC. It is very surprising that 3 is by far the FEWEST players who have done this since the NCAA passed its new redshirting rule in 2018. It has nothing to do with NIL. The media and NCAA are lying or deliberately misleading you.

Remember ole Saban deliberately burning redshirts of players he thought would transfer? Ole "Joel Osteen Jr" at Clemson actually told the media braggingly that he would deliberately burn a kid's redshirt if he thought he was going to transfer, but there was no need because the player was staying. Oh, how funny! the media reported. There wasn't this big negative media push about it. In fact, most of sports media bragged about how great the rule was. A lot of players have asked not to play beyond 4 games since 2018.

But now you have a guy who doesn't want his redshirt burned against his will, and the media immediately frames the issue in a way to stoke maximum outrage before anyone knows the details of what actually happened. And before the day is out, we see that the NCAA is trying use "outrage" about this in order to get its power back and restore its tyranny of criminality.

Meanwhile, UNLV has violated NIL rules by having an assistant coach promise NIL, reportedly, and... crickets. Even worse, UNLV makes the excuse that an assistant coach doling out NIL didn't matter because word would have had to have come illegally from the head coach (!) to the player or agent. Suddenly the NCAA doesn't care.

All the NCAA wants is for people to believe that this issue has not been going on for 6 years, that it is a direct result of NIL, and that the only solution "to save football" :rolleyes: is for the NCAA to seize control of NIL, which is working fine in the free market.

Meanwhile the NCAA is still deliberately covering up for Michigan. They have still not said what was on those Michigan computers and why the FBI was involved.

Finally, if there does turn out to be a problem here of some sort, the market will "bake that in" to future NIL dealings. The gigantic amount that is owed to players for back years is exclusively the NCAA's doing. The NCAA buried their head in the sand about the NIL issue for a decade.
This needs to be posted everywhere.
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