Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Can't believe this statement. After all, you're not an expert 🤔

Maximum Appeal to Authority, mixed with a maximum of Courtier's Reply. Kudos! 1 + 1 = 2 is something I only believe when coming out of a mathematicians mouth afterall.
I am a mathematician so 1+1 does in fact equal 2. As far as Courtier is concerned, I don't put much stock in credentials either, it is not the same thing as talent or expertise.
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Speaking of gyms and ppl sucking…

Do all gyms have that “one guy”? You all know the guy I’m referring to…

I’m just minding my own business…got my headphones on…pushing through the day’s training…

All the sudden, that “one guy”…”UHHHH. UHHHH. UHHHH.” As he does his reps…slams weights down when he’s through his set…then proceeds to strut around like he’s done something…like, why not just come in wearing neon bright gym clothes so everyone can make sure and see him…THAT “one guy”? Oh…and he’s a little skinny dude too…

Do all gyms have that guy? Sheesh.
Leave @nicksjuzunk alone! What did he ever do to you, huh?
Calories consumed is not necessarily the same as calories absorbed. And calories leave the body in ways other than burning. If you store fat due to insulin dominance, keto is magic. When the hormonal issues get fixed, you start shedding extra calories as unburnt ketones and likely fat in feces, and losing weight far faster than could be accounted for by caloric deficit.
I lost 75lbs about 25 years ago. I rarely do strict keto since then, but have greatly reduced carbs overall. When strict, I can't eat enough to gain, and always lose. The "calories in must be less than calories burnt" mentality is completely contrary to my experience.

I have known others who were not as successful on keto, but I'm sure it comes down to hormones. For those (like me) who are insulin dominant, keto just works. For those who aren't, it isn't nearly as helpful.
Agreed...that has been my experience as well. I tell people to try Keto and see how it works for them, if you are doing it right and are not losing weight...try something else, because your chemistry is just not made for it.

But I know a lot of folks that "say" they tried Keto and did it right, and after talking to them you find out they were eating a lot of that "Keto freindly" garbage on store shelves.

I try to cut carbs to the bone...and I don't eat any of that "Keto friendly" crap.
Happy Thursday. Hope everyone is safe from the storms.

September 26, 2024: I am taking you in a direction that seems unfamiliar and strange at times, so you must pay attention and not leap ahead before you are sure of where you are going. You will be dealing with situations that seem to be beyond your ability to deal with, but trust God to lead and direct your steps. Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way.
I'm good with "Juan Ward" replacing Kesling at anytime. Those calls make the hairs on my neck stand up. That passion and excitement is a gift that Bob just ain't got. It's time for the broadcast booth to match the action that's happening on the field.

If Carlos can throw in some English every once in a while, I believe I could keep up with what's happening in the game. I think we've got something special with him
And he has Fuad with him. They're great.
@peaygolf I am learning to golf here and looking for a good entry level used putter i can get for under $50. I like the looks of the 2 ball putters, but have no clue. I currently have an old style Dunlop 120. Would appreciate thoughts.
I'm not @peaygolf, and it's slightly more than $50, but this putter is great.

Though someone really needs to see your putter stroke to make a good recommendation. Some folks do better with a center balanced putter like the above (I do). Others not so much. Really, you just need to go to a golf shop and putt with several types. See what works best for you.
I still use a 1996 Kirk Currie putter, with a grip I’ve had on it for 20 odd years,

With that being said, I’m tinkering with mallets. I think it’s like 8/10 of the top players in the world use a mallet. Easier to aim and less “twisting” on off center hits (MOI- moment of inertia)

You can get really good pre-owned Odyssey 2-Ball, Odyssey White Hot Rossie, putters for around $50-$60.

There are two good putters that not many are familiar with that you can probably find cheap.
Never Compromise and Guerrin-Rife.

Based on your advice @peaygolf I reached out to a guy with a bunch of rife 2 bar hybrids. Those look and sound like something worth trying. As long as his price is ok.

The Never Compromises looked nice, but would have to go ebay and then the shipping bloats price.
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I still use a 1996 Kirk Currie putter, with a grip I’ve had on it for 20 odd years,

With that being said, I’m tinkering with mallets. I think it’s like 8/10 of the top players in the world use a mallet. Easier to aim and less “twisting” on off center hits (MOI- moment of inertia)

You can get really good pre-owned Odyssey 2-Ball, Odyssey White Hot Rossie, putters for around $50-$60.

There are two good putters that not many are familiar with that you can probably find cheap.
Never Compromise and Guerrin-Rife.
I went mallet around 20 years ago. I play the Taylormade Spider Red double bend with toe hang. Played the Odyssey WH Rossie for a dozen years and loved it until it starting treating me bad. 😀 Got a divorce and married the Spider. Still in love 7-8 years later.
I’m one of the worst people to listen to about diet habits. What works for one may not work for others. Should have started with that first in my first post, huh. I’ve worked in the food industry a long time and taught myself a lot. I just know that sometimes our diet habits are also influenced by different things. My post was just basic stuff, I’m sorry if I over stepped my bounds.
No, your good. Didn't offend me at all
My mom passed away tonight. She finally submitted to dementia. I’m almost 48 years old and somehow I just feel like a sad kid inside.
Sorry for your loss. May the Lord bring you and your family peace. Understand all too well. My wonderful mother-in-law went through a 10 year battle with that horrid disease. Still miss her everyday over a dozen years later.

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