Recruiting Football Talk VIII

When we moved to Knoxville for my wife’s residency training, we rented out our house in Grapevine. When we moved back, the renters had let the yard go to hell. In retrospect, we should have rolled lawn care into the rent price (1st and last time that I ever want rental property).
Took us about a year to get the lawn and flower gardens looking decent again. Once it looked nice again, we came home to a “yard of the month” sign sticking up in our yard.
Our HOA didn’t have a yard of the month contest, but our yard looked so bad that they thought we deserved the acknowledgment when we fixed it. 😂
Our neighbors called our house the rent house…didn’t know, but ours was the only one that was leased in the neighborhood.
people look these things up. our neighborhood renters aren't too bad these days, but laws they have been.
Agreed...that has been my experience as well. I tell people to try Keto and see how it works for them, if you are doing it right and are not losing weight...try something else, because your chemistry is just not made for it.

But I know a lot of folks that "say" they tried Keto and did it right, and after talking to them you find out they were eating a lot of that "Keto freindly" garbage on store shelves.

I try to cut carbs to the bone...and I don't eat any of that "Keto friendly" crap.
This is true. I find that when I do eat low carb breads and other low carb processed foods, my weight loss either slows or stops entirely. Also, I hear of people doing Keto during the week and going off for the weekend. Keto is short for ketosis. It takes days to get in ketosis where your body is consuming one's fat for energy. You likely never get into ketosis doing that.
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How can any Vols fan look at our rosters and results in football, baseball, and basketball and fall for the "sky is falling" ginned up hysteria about NIL and the portal?

These are the good ole days.
Exactly. There has never been a better time to be a Vol. It's Great to be a Tennessee Vol, I said it's Great to be a Tennessee Vol. WGWTFA.
My 1$ for a year of Volquest subscription expired.

First and foremost, I want to thank the Volquest community and team for the opportunity to be a part of the platform over the past year. It has been a great experience, and I’ve appreciated the content and the passion everyone brings.

However, after careful consideration and reflecting on what’s best for me moving forward, I’ve decided that I will not be continuing my subscription. This decision wasn’t easy, but I believe it’s the right choice for me at this time.

I hope everyone can understand and respect my decision.
Agreed...that has been my experience as well. I tell people to try Keto and see how it works for them, if you are doing it right and are not losing weight...try something else, because your chemistry is just not made for it.

But I know a lot of folks that "say" they tried Keto and did it right, and after talking to them you find out they were eating a lot of that "Keto freindly" garbage on store shelves.

I try to cut carbs to the bone...and I don't eat any of that "Keto friendly" crap.
A lot of folks also don't stay on keto long enough. It can take some time for a person's body to adjust to burning fat instead of carbs. Also, they can hit 'keto flu' for a day as they make the transition, and just give up due to that. But at the end of the day, everybody's body chemistry is made for it unless they have some kind of hormonal defect. Your body either has to burn carbs or ketones. And generally everyone's body will HAVE to burn ketones (i.e. fat). It's just a matter of how long it takes their body to realize that it has to burn ketones, and start burning ketones. (Or, as you mention, whether someone is truly putting their body in carb-deficit to force the switch.)
How about the ones who wanted Banks and Martinez fired. They'll say they never said that now but I'm sure those that keep receipts will call them out.
VN is far too prone to eat our own. We all love the team and want what's best for us. We just all have different ideas at different times of what needs to happen to get that. I'm sure the Banks-haters, once they see his benefit to the team, will soften and support him--especially if the rest of us restrain from attacking them and causing ego that makes them dig their feet in.

VN is far too prone to eat our own. We all love the team and want what's best for us. We just all have different ideas at different times of what needs to happen to get that. I'm sure the Banks-haters, once they see his benefit to the team, will soften and support him--especially if the rest of us restrain from attacking them and causing ego that makes them dig their feet in.

No worries for most of VN, we have the Receipt Keepers to police the place. We need to send them to Washington.
I like "death nail", my daddy would say something like that.
This is true. I find that when I do eat low carb breads and other low carb processed foods. My weight loss either slows or stops entirely. Also, I hear of people doing Keto during the week and going off for the weekend. Keto is short for ketosis. It takes days to get in ketosis where your body is consuming one's fat for energy. You likely never get into ketosis doing that.
Not to be argumentative, but for certain desired outcomes, it works great. Seems that the longer you do keto, the quicker your body goes into ketosis. That's why the Metabolic Diet and TNT diets make you do straight keto for at least 4 week, because then once you break keto for a day or so, your body can get back into it quicker. Insulin is a muscle growth hormone, and it is release as a response to carbs. As I understand it, keto puts the body into muscle-loss zone. It helps to break it by creating an insulin response occasionally if you want to gain/preserve muscle.

But agreed, if you have lots of weight to lose, don't break keto. If you're trying to lose a bit of weight without losing muscle (or possibly even gaining muscle), carb cycling is great.
Based on your advice @peaygolf I reached out to a guy with a bunch of rife 2 bar hybrids. Those look and sound like something worth trying. As long as his price is ok.

The Never Compromises looked nice, but would have to go ebay and then the shipping bloats price.
Sweet….. i do think the old zebra is good
They are light, but you can take the bottom plate off, fill it with some weight….

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