Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Another diet that works and isn't as extreme as keto is the paleo diet.

So you're eating what our pre agricultural revolution ancestors ate.

Meat, Vegetables, fruit and nuts.

That way you don't have to completely take out all sugars. It's really just the bread and carbs that we eat way too much of and then people eat waaaay too much. Calorie deficit, healthy foods and exercise.
For less extreme diet, I have had lots of success at different times with the Low GI diet. Basically, some carbs are less prone to spike insulin--i.e. whole grains instead of refined, honey as opposed to refined sugars, etc... Those take longer to digest. Also, adding a bit of fat into the meal causes the meal to take longer to digest, thus slowing the insulin response.

I've found that for quick/big weight loss, keto is the plan. Then for maintenance, Low GI is a good plan.

TIFWIW. Some random guy on the internet...
More sleep and long zone 2 exercise would help more people than they realize. I think it’s also hard for many to understand how much exercise is required to burn 500 calories or more.
Drink mostly water, eat simple foods, avoid alcohol and an hour of active exercise a day. That’s pretty much the key to weight maintenance. . To lose weight you’ve gotta put in significantly more effort in exercise while not changing eating habits.
Agree. Do it right or try something else. I did it right and it worked like a charm. During the holidays I eased up and it cost me. Back on it again now.
I've made up my mind that this just the way I live now. I'm gonna go off diet for the cruise in mid November, but this time I'm going right back on.

I've went off schedule 3 times since March for a week or less each time..I think it helps me reset my system...normally I lose at a slow clip about a pound or two a week, but after I take off for a few days and restart I have biggest losses, after I get back in 4-8 pounds in a week or two...then it slows back down to a pound or two a week.
@peaygolf I am learning to golf here and looking for a good entry level used putter i can get for under $50. I like the looks of the 2 ball putters, but have no clue. I currently have an old style Dunlop 120. Would appreciate thoughts.

This is true. I find that when I do eat low carb breads and other low carb processed foods. My weight loss either slows or stops entirely. Also, I hear of people doing Keto during the week and going off for the weekend. Keto is short for ketosis. It takes days to get in ketosis where your body is consuming one's fat for energy. You likely never get into ketosis doing that.
I've done that off-on thing and basically what happens is a stall...I don't gain but I don't lose either. What I do is a custom modified thing that I've found out absolutely there is no desire or need for me to do anything differently.

One other bad thing about doing carb-cycling so quickly is that pre-ketosis thing where you ain't burning ketones for energy yet, but you ain't getting any glucose for energy either...the result being that you stay absolutely wore out feeling until the ketosis kicks in.

That phase generally lasts for 3-4 days and it it is not worth it for me.
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I have cornbread only during the holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Other that that I don't touch the stuff, growing up there was cornbread on dinner table every night to eat. Same goes for homemade biscuits 🤮🤮🤮
You are so weird...I would kill to eat my mom's cornbread or biscuits again...makes my mouth water thinking about it.
Ironically they’ve (with kirby) only played bama once in the regular season (covid year) and lost by 17. All the others have been sec champ. & playoff games. And to add, bama doesnt have saban anymore.
Which really cranks the pressure up on Kirby with minimal explosive weapons to beat an explosive Bama team on the road. If he does so it would be akin to us finding a top 5 defense.

Meaning not great for everyone else.

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