Recruiting Football Talk VIII

My mom passed away tonight. She finally submitted to dementia. I’m almost 48 years old and somehow I just feel like a sad kid inside.
Very sorry for your loss. The feeling is the same regardless of age. Lost mine in 1990 from cancer and she was only 59. I was 29 at the time and was crushed. Still kicking myself in the ass for all those days I wasn’t there and all the hardships I may have caused for her in my youth.
She now has a great grandchild named for her and all her great grandchildren know of her love, kindness and spirituality.
Embrace the sadness and let it lead to bigger things.
Very sorry for your loss. The feeling is the same regardless of age. Lost mine in 1990 from cancer and she was only 59. I was 29 at the time and was crushed. Still kicking myself in the ass for all those days I wasn’t there and all the hardships I may have caused for her in my youth.
She now has a great grandchild named for her and all her great grandchildren know of her love, kindness and spirituality.
Embrace the sadness and let it lead to bigger things.
Very similar story. Lost my mom in 1990 to Cancer as well. At the time, I was stressing about Grad school. Wish had been more focused on Mom. And you are right, you have to 'work through the sadness' and not try to suppress that. Prayers for the family.
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I get it. However. I dont base my musical choices on those of 22-24 yo women. Glad he is a VFL, still have no idea who he is.
You sure are goin on and on about him to “not know who he is”. If you don’t even know who he is, then how do you have an opinion on his music? I’m actually not surprised you are one of those “too cool for mainstream music” types.
I have some behind my house. At least I did have some. Caught my neighbor literally 50 yards behind my house, right in the middle of my property digging it up. I said wtf do you think you are doing? He sad I didn't think you would mind. I said is it ok if I go to your property and start taking your ****? He said he'd leave.
Everyone wants to be my friend.

Who wouldn't want a Yeti for a friend?

I posted this in the game thread about J. McCoy and want others to see it. Huge play.

Jermod McCoy made one of the smartest football plays I have ever seen on that offsides. He saw the DR (I think Pearce) jump into the neutral zone and immediately extended his arms and used both hands to make contact with the OK receiver as the ball was snapped to cause the whistle and keep OK from having a free play to take a shot. Watch the play if you get a chance.

Phenomenal awareness....McCoy is a HUGE addition and is a future NFL CB. His timing on coverage hits to separate the ball is elite, he has great speed and physicality and incredible instincts and football IQ. Best DB we have had in a long time
We talked about this at our tailgate after the game…probably one of the smartest, most heads-up plays I’ve ever seen!
I've got to run to Murfreesboro Saturday morning for my nephews 1st birthday party. I'm going to try and get home to watch the Bama/GA game on the patio (weather may prevent that). I got a new 150" screen up from 100". Anxious to try it out before the Arkansas game.
Coming down to Middle Tennessee to slum with us peasants. Nice.
yeah, maybe im wrong about this, but always got the feeling Wanya joined our program at the worst time possible and at any other period would have been a proud VFL
He was having to hide his excitement when Trey had him put on the vols gear. He had to be sent out of the program due to Pruitt and Neiderloser’s failures.
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Per the diet/exercise conversation, I've done quite a bit of the TNT Plan / Metabolic Diet plan over the years and it works amazingly.

The Slow-Carb, Low GI thing is excellent and easy maintenance.

All has been in conjunction with full body workouts. See Pavel's RKC kettlebell plan. Excellent for reasonable muscle building, tone, health and fat loss. Not great for massive hypertrophy, but that's not what I'm after.

Right now:

I generally do about a 12-18 hour intermittent fast per day. I generally stop eating around 8-10 at night. Start eating at noon-ish or so every day. Depends on what time I want to work out, as I don't like working out on an empty stomach. When I stop my fast, and throughout the early afternoons most days, I'll have a couple of mugs of bone broth that my wife makes from scratch from the carcasses of the animals I harvest here on the old homestead. Along with that, I'll have a couple of protein shakes.

I'll eat pretty much whatever I want in the evening until I shut it down for the night's fast.

Workout is usually double-kettlebell cleans/presses. Kettlebell lawnmowers or bent over rows. Heavy double-kettlebell swings. I'll work in some kettlebell goblet squats on occasions. I do this three times a week, usually Mon, Wed, Fri. On off days I may do some lighter kettlebell work like Turkish Getups, bend presses, etc... If I'm not feeling like kettlebells, I have a set of heavy resistance bands that I'll do similar workouts with. (When my arthritis is in heavy flair-up, it may be my imagination, but I feel like the resistance bands are easier on my joints. Also, it's much easier to pack the bands for travel than the kettlebells.)

Each workout takes about 30 minutes right here at home. (No need for a gym membership or seeing dudes duck-lip posing for selfies in the locker room.)

Works well. I don't feel like I am missing out on anything. I no longer try to stay at a super low body fat anymore, but it keeps me fitter than most guys I know 25 years younger than me.

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