Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I hover between 220-225lbs, but I'm 6'4". My morning routine probably helps, I call it the 2x4 (200 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, 200 crunches, 200 squats and run 7 miles after). . .
You’re working way too hard. I’m 220 and my morning routine is roll out of bed, take a 20 minute **** while doom scrolling, shower, drink enough black coffee for 3 people, spend way too much on an order of eggs Benedict and homefries whilst finishing documentation from the day before, and then going to help old people not fall down at home.

Pay no attention to the fact that I am only 5’11
Last night I got absolutely crushed working my bartending job because it was me and these two old man servers. I was running around until I was almost out of breath. Insanity. Stretched beyond all multitasking limits.

You know what I felt like by the end of it?

Oklahoma's offensive line last weekend 😎

I hover between 220-225lbs, but I'm 6'4". My morning routine probably helps, I call it the 2x4 (200 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, 200 crunches, 200 squats and run 7 miles after). . .
I'm 6'4" and around 220. Was almost down to 210 (my goal weight). But I fluctuate. Still will be overweight according to BMI.
Kirby hates playing in Jacksonville and is trying to get it changed to home/home. But the university makes so much money that he keeps getting overruled. And, obviously, while we never play in the Swamp, Florida never has to play in Athens.

UGA is one of—if the singular—most aggressive scheduling SEC teams. Since 2017, we’ve had home/home with ND, played Clemson twice, and played Oregon. And we play a minimum of 9 P5 games every year because of GT. We had a lousy 2023 schedule because our planned 23/24 home/home with Oklahoma got cancelled by the SEC when Oklahoma joined the league.
Well, that might make me change my mind about the Dogs. Nope, I still hate their guts.

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