Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Florida recruits itself by name, they just need a HC with a pulse at the controls.
Yeah no that’s just not true anymore, there is way more to recruiting now days then just having a name and some tradition. Florida NIL use to be as bad as what is going on at UNLV atm…maybe they have gotten better now but they are middle of the pack in the SEC and that doesn’t bode well when your coaching staff isn’t known for having a great offensive/defensive mind or playcalling ability a long with development
No, I'm calling this year's Florida team poverty. They're ass, they suck, stink, garbage, trash, poop. Whatever word you want to use.
There are probably better words to describe than 'poverty'. Beside, drawing corollary between UF and those impoverished - is a slight to those who are less fortunate.

I would say Florida is straight dog ****.
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They haven't been good for quite a while and still manage to beat us. Even with Hooker we needed a miracle catch from Keyton to beat them, and they lost 7 games that year.
By looking at Florida's schedule they may win 3 more games. Not a good look if you lose to a possible 5-7 team on your home field.

Don't care if it is a SEC opponent, bad teams are bad teams doesn't matter which conference they play in.

Tennessee wins by 20+
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This better be a legitimate source for something this toxic
You are welcome to look at my posting history. I do not do rumor mongering. I don't even think it is as big as you make it out to be. It is the new environment that we are in. There are players straight up refusing to play the rest of the season in order to make more money at another school next season. This is not nearly to that level. His representation most likely looked at it something like this; your ankle is not 100% yet and if you try to play thru it on that field in poor condition you could make the injury worse and it could cost you serious money in the draft if you miss most of this season so you need to ask for more money kinda like insurance if you are going to play on an injured ankle. That part is conjecture on my part but you can see how they could approach it that way. Things like that will be the new norm under the system like it is right now. It is what it is.
You are welcome to look at my posting history. I do not do rumor mongering. I don't even think it is as big as you make it out to be. It is the new environment that we are in. There are players straight up refusing to play the rest of the season in order to make more money at another school next season. This is not nearly to that level. His representation most likely looked at it something like this; your ankle is not 100% yet and if you try to play thru it on that field in poor condition you could make the injury worse and it could cost you serious money in the draft if you miss most of this season so you need to ask for more money kinda like insurance if you are going to play on an injured ankle. That part is conjecture on my part but you can see how they could approach it that way. Things like that will be the new norm under the system like it is right now. It is what it is.
Same as bowl games.
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