Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Integrated athletic departments. The scholastic sports system as we know it. I don’t understand why anyone feels that schools should be subject to this pressure to pay kids to play on their sports teams. These are schools. We should encourage them to fund and operate robust athletic departments that provide opportunities for kids and help develop athletes in sports other than the one that gives everyone CTE (e.g. Olympic sports, women’s sports).

It’s great that a few of these sports generate tons of revenue, because it helps to fund all sorts of other good things.
Where did you get the idea that football is not continuing to pay for all these sports? It's not true.

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I don’t understand why anyone feels that schools should be subject to this pressure to pay kids to play on their sports teams.
I'm telling you: check the baseball roster. Huge winner under the new system. So is basketball.

How do you not understand #Everything school? It's our motto. The renaissance is pretty much across the board.
The money they’re haggling over and posturing isn’t endowments and/or tuition funded and it’s DEFINITELY not government state grants. It’s MULTIPLE BILLIONS from broadcast, streaming and marketing. It’s going to be divvied up by the universities which provide the STAGE (arenas and fanbase brand), coaches, ADs and vital support personnel and of course the players. Dartmouth gets a much smaller slice of the pie and continues their Ivy League pursuits. Free market works.
Yea, not so sure about 'free market works'. If this leads to an even more uneven system with a few powerhouses and a vast majority of second tier teams, that's not a good system. Hopefully, the end result is a competitive landscape across many teams where players largely are committed to a school and not just available to the highest bidder. Mostly, I'm about results and what makes college athletics optimally entertaining for the fans and yes, good for all involved parties. There's a reason over the years that I've become less and less interested in Pro Sports. Players leave at the drop of a hat. Owners could care less about the fans. Owner gets a better deal or taxpayers refuse to fork over millions, and said owner flees to Baltimore.
Those seats displaced my parking. Parking that was close enough that my substantially disabled wife could make the journey.

But since voicing concern is apparently considered proselytizing I'll keep my opinions to myself.
I am the one who said "proselytizing." Maybe that was insensitive.

It's just that it goes on and on. Not that you shouldn't have said.

Look, I understand. And I am sorry for what is happening to you. It's happening in entertainment all over the country. As I said last week, we had to pass on attending a game from out of town when wifey said "We could go to Paris for that." I understand. And that was just one game, not season tickets.
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I don't begrudge the players making money, but I do hate what this has become. They finally pushed us to the breaking point and we will not be renewing our season tickets...for $8k. Just no.

This is football. Not philanthropy. Not saving lives. Not building hospitals. Not feeding the hungry. Not providing shelter. Football.

The shark has been jumped.
How many tickets and what seats ? Hope you don't mind me asking. GBO 🍊

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