Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Planet is wrong
No, you're wrong. @PlanetVolunteer was right.

Mod jumped first and almost made contact with the WR before Pearce moved.

It looks like the QB fakes the hand signal. Hence why our LEO & CB would've both jumped, as compared to a DT jumping due to hearing a hard count or watching the center snap it. Also the hand down lineman maybe couldn't see Arnold's hands over the OL as easily as JPJ & Mod.

Thankfully McCoy made the contact, because that was one of if not the only explosive play they hit until late in the 4th.


Video should auto start at the right moment. If not, the replay starts at 5:31 with slo-mo & Kirk's explanation as well.
We need to take advantage of some of the dumpster fire programs to keep recruiting for this class. No idea how many more we can take, but I want them all anyway. Give me more DL and OL. Give me another LB and another Edge and another Safety and another Corner and another RB. I want them all!!!

<evil laugh> Mu-Hwa-Ha-Ha!

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