Recruiting Football Talk VIII


This is like hearing about some QB, and the first descriptor is how “intelligent” he is.
I don’t care how smart he is… can he “throw the damn football”?

Tell me Will Brooks is “strong enough and fast enough” to play.

Anything but “he’s like, really smart” 😞
HA! Wrong again. Go check all the grief Joe Milton has taken and there is NO question he can throw the DAMN ball.
I’d guess those measurements are well inflated, and wouldn’t put it past Deion to have instructed it for perceptions benefit. Doubt he grew three inches since the recruiting websites listed him.

Savion Washington’s original 247 profile lists him at 6’8 340. And Seaton’s has him at 6’5 so I don’t think they’re fibbing on those
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Oh Judy, it's like you don't even read my posts you commie bastard.

I knew we would catch up. Now we're tied with China for the lead in gold medals at 19. But we must crush everyone. Is that not the American way? George Washington once said, "We must whip every body's ass, just because we can". Who are you to disagree with George Washington, Little Putin???
That’s not true…. I can’t be bullied….. so think we approach bullying in the wrong manner… we always try to stop bullying(will never happen)…. we need to teach kids/adults to be proud of themselves and to stand up for themselves.
Saw a guy who played for Ball State do stand up. His bit was the worst trash talk he ever heard on the field was a Dlineman whispering, “you’re inadequate”.

Haven't caught up yet, but I have to assume someone hit this with a TWSS comment.
I was disappointed. Apparently @Glitch missed such an obvious TWSS moment. And he wants to start game threads? Not enough attention to detail. Just say no to @Glitch and game threads.
HA! Wrong again. Go check all the grief Joe Milton has taken and there is NO question he can throw the DAMN ball.
HA! Not the point I was making. But it’s cute you tried.

Never a good sign when intelligence is consistently the first thing mentioned about a football player.

It’s great to have. But they have to physically be able to play first.
HA! Not the point I was making. But it’s cute you tried.

Never a good sign when intelligence is consistently the first thing mentioned about a football player.

It’s great to have. But they have to physically be able to play first.
Only if you stop listening after the first thing.

Geez. This is such a weird hill to die on.

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