Recruiting Football Talk VIII

As of today...I have lost 50 medical or surgical help, I can't even really exercise effectively due to my horrific extreme arthritis...just pure will power and commitment.

I thank the good Lord for helping me with my will power as I have continually asked him to. Many times I have gotten aggravated, anxious or depressed which has usually triggered me to quit in times past, but I have prayed my way through it.

Now...50 more to go!

PS...this is really starting to help with the arthritic problems, I never feel good, but I feel tons better and if it continues to improve, I should soon be able to go to the gym and get even healthier.

I know most don't care and know some will mock faith having anything to do with it...but maybe somebody will get something from this to help them along a similar path.

And I owe God everything, especially the easiest thing to praise.

1st Peter 2: 9

So from a medical perspective for each pound that you Lose above a joint, here’s the breakdown:

Lumbar spine 1 pound lost is the physical equivalent of 6 pounds off your back.
Hips are the same 1:6 ratio
Knees are the same 1:6 ratio.
Ankles and feet 1 pound lost is the physical equivalent of 9-10 pounds off your feet and ankles.

So far for every step you take, you are putting 300 pounds less stress on your low back, hips and knees!

You are putting 450 to 500 less pounds on your feet and ankles for every step!

That’s awesome my friend! Keep up the hard work.
How have you achieved this accomplishment? (Of course by the time I read your response, you will have already lost the other 50 pounds😂)
Okay for all you VN betting folks, here’s one for you.
I have two partners in clinic together on Thursdays. One is a Missouri fan. The other is a Vanderbilt fan (went there for med school. Played DB for Princeton. Very football savvy)

I tried to get them to bet on the mizzou-vandy game this Saturday. The mizzou guy was in. The vandy guy said nope.

I then asked him if he would like to bet on the Tennessee-vandy game and he responded “oh Hell no!”

So I looked at my mizzou partner and said since we don’t play each other this season, here’s our head to head bet:
Which ever team beats vandy by the most points in their respective game is the winner of our bet!
Mizzou is in. Vandy walked away muttering cuss words about us. 😂
Then mizzou said that he only went with the bet to eff with vandy. He said that there’s no way that mizzou will score more points than Tennessee. Even against vandy. We fist bumped because he said it right as vandy was coming back to the conversation. Vandy just shook his head and went back to his clinic area. 😎

Life is fun when you’re a Volunteer! (It’s always been that way for me, even though the bad times) especially now!

16-0 🤠
Okay, update on my bet. Mizzou partner was disgusted with his team for having to rely upon vandy to miss a field goal attempt in order to beat them by 3 in double overtime.

Should I up the bet that Tennessee beats vandy by 10 x that differential? Or stick with the sure thing? My Mizzou partner is a bourbon aficionado, so I’m guaranteed a nice bottle for the original bet.

Either way

16-0 🤠
I really hate how much of a closet Bama fan Paul Finebaum is.

52-49 was undoubtedly a better game than the uga Bama game last night. In fact, that wasn’t even the best uga Bama game during this era. Multiple seccg that were just as if not more exciting. Last night was a sh!t game until less than 10 minutes left in the 4th. Shut your piehole Paul!
Well nobody asked you, and you damn well know the reasoning and where this line of commentary is headed, so yeah you kinda are being a dick. And you’re smart enough to know it’s not about overhead but what the overhead supports so don’t try to claim ignorance.

In interest of abiding by forum guidelines/rules, can we not turn his simple question into y’all proselytizing me over my views and values that religious based proselytism is wrong? Been there done that here. Thanks.
You ok? Need a non-religious hug?
Well nobody asked you, and you damn well know the reasoning and where this line of commentary is headed, so yeah you kinda are being a dick. And you’re smart enough to know it’s not about overhead but what the overhead supports so don’t try to claim ignorance.

In interest of abiding by forum guidelines/rules, can we not turn his simple question into y’all proselytizing me over my views and values that religious based proselytism is wrong? Been there done that here. Thanks.
Ok dude. Give wherever you want to give. Ease up.
There are people that have lost their lives or families have lost their homes but still have their lives..Either way lives are are changed forever because of the storms..For those that weren’t affected, hug your family a little tighter and be thankful for what you have..I’m sure those affected would be appreciative of any donation whether it’s food, monetary, and what not..Have a great day!! Hugs!🧡🧡

Insert just skip over my post if you don't like it. Just as I do yours.
Honestly, if you post it here, you should expect comments on it. I don't think what was said was over the top. Just some good natured ribbing. That's part of it. I like the Raiders and they suck. I like the Cubs and they don't suck but they are not a playoff team.
Officially done with the “spooky rocky top” song.
Every time I get on TikTok now it’s just a video of the all the storm damage with that song attached.

***** so played out at this point.
It is stupid to combine those two. Spooky Rocky top is completely intended for us to celebrate our team and give angst to our opponents. To play it with all the storm devastation is insulting to that song. I completely get the tragedy and totally support showing footage of the devastation. But, to combine it with that song is dumb.

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