Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I found a cool one while searching:
View attachment 664888

Then found this. It's not identical, but I bet it's the same company:

Found it. It’s Gaston Moore’s website.

I just booked a Yeti Safari excursion! The wilds of the Papermill region of Knoxville, here I come!
I should probably apologize to you. When you were spreading those false rumors about me eating puppies, I may have accidently eaten your cheagle. Stress eating is a bitch.

That’s awesome brother. Keep pushing forward.

For the last 2.5 years, I had been in an extremely dark place mentally. Long story short, therapy and the right meds saved me long enough to where I FINALLY felt like working out again. I turn 54 tomorrow and i am in week 9 since joining a local gym. 4 days a week, 1.25 hrs each session. I’ve lost 10 lbs but haves gained crazy strength and starting to not look too bad for an old man. Eating right and hitting my protein goals each day. Just gotta stay consistent. But it’s literally been a life saver for me. Now my goal is to finally get off my head meds and getting off most of my other meds. (Big pharma sucks—-and I have worked in healthcare for 35 years).

One thing I am taking is shilajit. I’m only in week 2 of taking it but I firmly believe it works. Look into it. Keep pushing forward and feeling better.
Kudos for finding a counselor. Can be hard to take that step. Was the right decision for me a little over a year ago.

And diet and exercise are clutch.

Good job, man. Keep at it.
I love your approach, use the meds to treat the symptoms enough so you can do what it takes to cure yourself. Sleep, exercise, decent eating, and water will cure most issues.
Thank you brother. It’s been a journey for sure. The mind is a powerful force. Years of coping the wrong way and pushing crap down finally took its toll on me. But I’m coming out on the other side now and feeling better than I ever thought possible.

If anyone reading this is struggling mentally, get the help you need. You’re not alone, I promise you. For others reading this, guarantee there are ppl around you struggling that you’d never guess were. (I was one of those) Be good to each other and lift each other up.
I’d love to see guesses on what yall think I have in that decanter 😂😂
Given your subsequent post regarding how much you spend, I would guess either Knob Creek 9 Single Barrel Reserve or New Riff Single Barrel. Both are great pours for around $50. If it is a “splurged” bottle, could it be Stagg Jr? Unless this is not bourbon…….
Speaking of school, I took my grandkids to school today and the use for Public Transportation is almost not needed. More parents and grandparents take their kids or grandkids to school daily. Maybe it's just where I live ? 🤷
The majority of our students (middle school) ride the bus to and from school. We've got kids that get kicked off the bus for a few days and their parents won't bring them. They'll just stay at home until they can ride again.
About on the level of future husband and father acting like the young lady is each's chattel to trade to begin with.

Whole thing is cringe. If a daughter's SO ever asked me something so ridiculous, I'd route his question back to my autonomous, smart daughter. It's her choice. Not mine or my wife's or his/hers.

And if what I said changed that person's mind from asking my daughter...I'd have even bigger questions of their honor.
Silly take. It's simply about respecting and honoring the family you're marrying into. Don't try to make it any more than that.

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