Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Thank you brother. It’s been a journey for sure. The mind is a powerful force. Years of coping the wrong way and pushing crap down finally took its toll on me. But I’m coming out on the other side now and feeling better than I ever thought possible.

If anyone reading this is struggling mentally, get the help you need. You’re not alone, I promise you. For others reading this, guarantee there are ppl around you struggling that you’d never guess were. (I was one of those) Be good to each other and lift each other up.
Thanks for these thoughts. I have been struggling for a while. I do the same as you…push down crap until it finally has taken a toll. My career is a mentally exhausting one. Add to that ownership who won’t take actions to help with your needs and give you a few things that you want, and it makes for a difficult place to be.
Happy Thursday

August 8, 2024: You can make plans for the future, but you must hold them loosely. You do not know what tomorrow will bring, but you can trust Me to usher you into every new day and give you the strength, wisdom and courage to endure. Take each moment as it comes as you seek Me for guidance and direction, says the Lord. Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
That $300 million dollar payroll out West isn't making the Playoffs this year either. I love the Dodgers but I'm not blind this team isn't going to playoffs. I know @volbeast33 will come in and spread Sunshine about them but this year is a lost cause.
The Braves issues are the same as the Dodgers…. injuries…. The Braves can’t lose possibly the top hitter and pitcher in baseball without it effecting their team. The Dodgers have been slightly luckier in that they will be getting these guys back within 1-2 weeks… Betts, Muncy, Edman, Yamamoto, Brasier. Even with all the injuries and poor play… The Dodgers are still 2.5 games away from the best record in baseball. I would wait to freak out until we get our boys back.
I should probably apologize to you. When you were spreading those false rumors about me eating puppies, I may have accidently eaten your cheagle. Stress eating is a bitch.

Doris just had a litter of babies! How could you even joke about such an awful thing? Killing a mother while she is nursing and nurturing her innocent helpless babes. I knew that you were awful, but this is a new low even for you. What an awful thing to wake up and read.
Doris just had a litter of babies! How could you even joke about such an awful thing? Killing a mother while she is nursing and nurturing her innocent helpless babes. I knew that you were awful, but this is a new low even for you. What an awful thing to wake up and read.
@Glitch after kittens are born…
USA was definitely the best in the last portion of the competition shown last night.
But evidently china had scored so well in the first two parts of the artistic swimming competition that they just needed to get an okay score in the final part to win gold.
USA was ecstatic to get silver. Very happy for them.
What are the crime stats for 20 year old sugar babies committing murder-suicide with their sugar daddy? Probably so rare that this case could be called the actual exception to prove the rule regarding it’s almost non existence.
Yes, DA things. Not sure why you was a keepin that from her. What boundary?
She was trying to tell me what to do. She was so busy trying to be in charge that she never considered that I might have already done it. By the way, it was my idea to go visit her parents for Easter. Guess you had to be there…
Had a similar thing happen to me the other day. A song from late 60s or early 70s, nothing that was connected to a particular memory... not a "favorite" song... but the emotions could not have been more powerful if my late wife had suddenly appeared in the passenger seat and taken my hand. Literally had to pull over.

To be honest, it was a little scary to be overwhelmed like that.
And FWIW, my last physical, the doc said my testosterone is higher than ever. is a very very surreal feeling.
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