Recruiting Football Talk VIII

fiduciary financial planner here, not saying there’s anything particularly wrong with what you said - mostly sound advice, but probably shouldn't go around giving general advice with no knowledge of their overall financial situation. Also, I don’t agree with the sequential order you used for the various advice you just gave.
fiduciary financial planner here, not saying there’s anything particularly wrong with what you said - mostly sound advice, but probably shouldn't go around giving general advice with no knowledge of their overall financial situation. Also, I don’t agree with the sequential order you used for the various advice you just gave.
That is why I prefaced my initial post with the advice for him to seek out a fiduciary advisor that would be able to better advise him based on his specific situation. Agree whole heartedly that financial advice is very personal and situation dependent. One size fits all approaches should be avoided. As far as the order, I can understand that. Some people differ in the order they recommend certain things. I tend to approach things from a biblical perspective and advise people to eliminate debt prior to doing much other financial investing as a general rule of thumb. Again, personal situations differ and may dictate other ways of going about it.
India is really killing it, Not. I guess its not their thing.
Lol the anti-sports country. No, there was a good post on Reddit about this actually. Culturally, outside of Cricket, India just doesn't value sports highly and looks down on most jobs that require physicality. There is minimal support for sports at any level and fields like medicine and science are highly prioritized and supported.
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Do you have a mortgage? Just get a 20 year term life that will cover your mortgage + a little extra
No offense, but that's horrible advice. If wife can't earn, then she's stuck with an asset that requires money to maintain and not much money. Focus on income replacement, which is a large number for most. But term, for 20 or 30 years is the ticket for that. I got one for $600,000 13 years ago and it's $35/month. That, plus paid off house and 401k was enough for her, because she's someone that can earn a good income with her degree. If she didn't have that it probably would have been $1 million plus policy.
The US is only middle of the road when it comes to total medals vs population size:

I will say, when there’s only three medals per sport and a country is only allowed a few entries apiece, the law of diminishing returns heavily comes into play.
Lol the anti-sports country. No, there was a good post on Reddit about this actually. Culturally, outside of Cricket, India just doesn't value sports highly and looks down on most jobs that require physicality. There is minimal support for sports at any level and fields like medicine and science are highly prioritized and supported.
lol yeah that's why maybe they just suck at sports.
No offense, but that's horrible advice. If wife can't earn, then she's stuck with an asset that requires money to maintain and not much money. Focus on income replacement, which is a large number for most. But term, for 20 or 30 years is the ticket for that. I got one for $600,000 13 years ago and it's $35/month. That, plus paid off house and 401k was enough for her, because she's someone that can earn a good income with her degree. If she didn't have that it probably would have been $1 million plus policy.
Not a whole lot of people who can't support themselves with a paid off house....what woman can't earn enough to support herself with a free house?
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I will say, when there’s only three medals per sport and a country is only allowed a few entries apiece, the law of diminishing returns heavily comes into play.
You'll have a race too where half the field is US guys and they brought I think nearly 600 athletes to Paris in total? China something like 450. Meanwhile you got one badass dude carrying the entire country of Tonga or wherever on his shoulders lol.

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