Recruiting Football Talk VIII

“What is your policy on TWSS jokes?”
“I was told there would be lunch?”
“We’ll ask the questions, mam”
“We accept.”
“We don’t work well with others.”
“I just soiled myself.”
“He’ll be having kittens and I’ll be having him.”
“Art thou retoided?”
“Ummm…it’s moran with an a.”
Y'all are depressing me with life insurance and estate planning talk. Remember when we had nothing and didn't even worry about health insurance. Lol Pepperidge Farm remembers.
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I just hope we finish in first for the gold medal count. China is the only country that can challenge us. And there's still some table tennis and diving left, which they tend to dominate. Plus, I believe they have gold medal chances in weightlifting, boxing, and wrestling left. China is our new Soviet Union in the Olympics.
@Jackcrevol has begun Mandarin lessons on DuoLingo.
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Do the Vols have a set of team cards?
Yes. They also just came out with some baseball ones.

Idk, I think if we beat NC State, Oklahoma and Florida we are in. Especially if we play UGA and Bama in close games. Which I think we beat Bama in Neyland this season anyway.
If TX, Bama and UGA were all to get in and Bama and UGA have wins over us already it would allow the committee to count us as a non-factor and select a team like Mizzou who plays no one.
Many people don’t realize the US is the 3rd most populous country in the world. China and India just have 5x the population we do. Makes you wonder how they got so far ahead of every other country.
I'm guessing your mom and dad never explained the birds and the bees to you. I think @Ulysees E. McGill needs to do that.

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