Recruiting Football Talk VIII

So another Dodger starting pitcher to the IL. That's literally what, like a dozen this season now? Sheesh.

At least we get Buehler back next week. He's been giving up a ton of runs in AAA rehab pitching so we've got that going for us. Which is nice.
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So another Dodger starting pitcher to the IL. That's literally what, like a dozen this season now? Sheesh.

At least we get Buehler back next week. He's been giving up a ton of runs in AAA rehab pitching so we've got that going for us. Which is nice.
Yes, River Ryan was pitching so well and now arm tightness. Mookie back tomorrow night and Muncy and Edman are back next Saturday.
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So another Dodger starting pitcher to the IL. That's literally what, like a dozen this season now? Sheesh.

At least we get Buehler back next week. He's been giving up a ton of runs in AAA rehab pitching so we've got that going for us. Which is nice.
Sounds like another UCL…. Dodgers need to look into if it has anything to do with what they are teaching or just bad luck.
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Ok. Time for the 1st annual "1st Quarter Boys Challenge". . .

Start the season with a crisp new $100 bill, if you can find one (should really get $200, in case we somehow lose the 1st bet). . . bet the 1st quarter over Vols for the week (either points scored by the Vols or total 1st quarter pts). Add the winnings to each week's next 1st quarter bet and see what we end up with.

I think it'll be similar to what we would've won in '22. Has anyone done the math on that? I think we only lost a couple 1st quarter bets that year on the season. . . if that's true, we would've taken a $100 and finished the season around $1,000+. . . if we just bet $100 each week.

I'll have to do some extreme math to know what it would be if we added the winnings from each week to the next bet. . . problem is, if we lose a bet, we have to start over at $100. Maybe we should just add add half the winnings from each week to the new bet. That way we'll have a reserve and won't be back at square 1 if we lose.

So if we win $90 and have $190 total, the next bet should be $145. The next bet would be close to $200. Just add the original $100 and half of the prize pool to the newest bet.

Edit: after breaking out the abacus, it seems like we'd be close to $10k at the end of the year if it's like the '22 season.

*math may be off by several thousand $s
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China just won gold medal #40. US is sitting at 38. We have 3 chances at gold today. Women's volleyball not looking good atm. Should be favored in women's basketball. Waiting on Kennedy Blades turn to wrestle. Not looking good to win the gold medal count, but a tie is still possible. We'd be in a better position if the Bama high jumper had agreed to a tie for gold instead of asking for a jump off that he lost.
Blades wins silver. Women's volleyball about to lose to Italy and win silver. US will lose the gold medal count to China.
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China just won gold medal #40. US is sitting at 38. We have 3 chances at gold today. Women's volleyball not looking good atm. Should be favored in women's basketball. Waiting on Kennedy Blades turn to wrestle. Not looking good to win the gold medal count, but a tie is still possible. We'd be in a better position if the Bama high jumper had agreed to a tie for gold instead of asking for a jump off that he lost.
Bammers aren’t very🙄
What USA didn't win Breakdancing, I'm shocked..
Thankfully, breakdancing will not be a part of the 2028 LA games. Flag football, lacrosse, squash, baseball, softball, & cricket are being added. Boxing may also be dropped. Not currently a part of 2028 but final decision won’t be made until sometime in 2025.
Thankfully, breakdancing will not be a part of the 2028 LA games. Flag football, lacrosse, squash, baseball, softball, & cricket are being added. Boxing may also be dropped. Not currently a part of 2028 but final decision won’t be made until sometime in 2025.
Boxing should NOT be dropped IMO.

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