Recruiting Football Talk VIII

practice notes are here

Or Johnnie Jones or Reggie Cobb...Jamal Lewis or Travis Henry??

Out of those in that clip, the Powell TD is the most awesome, imo.
I was sitting on my den floor in a near lotus position and when he broke thru the left side and beat Blades down the sideline I literally fell back over my head in an unplanned backwards somersault listening to Frank changing horses due to this dagger. One of those memories so ingrained age has not washed it away.
July 31, 1917
The Battle of Passchendaele, also known as the Third Battle of Ypres, began on this day in 1917. It would last until November The battle took place on the Western Front in Belgium, in the Ypres salient, where the two armies had been at a stalemate for three years. The Allies' objectives were to capture the high ground around Ypres, a key rail junction, and advance on the German-occupied Belgian coast. The battle was known for its mud, blood, and futility, and resulted in heavy casualties for both sides.

The battle's conditions were horrifying for the soldiers. They huddled in waterlogged shell holes or became lost in the mudscape, unable to find the front line. The mud gummed up rifle barrels, making them difficult to fire, and swallowed up soldiers as they slept. However, the mud also saved lives, cushioning many shells that landed and preventing them from exploding.

Despite pushing back the defenders, the Allies failed to achieve their objectives, and the new British positions were precarious and had to be abandoned in spring 1918.

The battle resulted in an estimated 310,000 Allied casualties and 270,000 German casualties. The Allied casualties included: 275,000 total, 38,000 Australians, 5,300 New Zealanders, and More than 15,600 Canadians.

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So deeply sad.
Nice they have a mic on the questions at Heup's pressers this year. Don't know if it will lead to better questions and/or fewer stinking ones; but at least we'll know who is asking what, and be less vulnerable to selectively edited and out-of-context clickbait "quotes." It makes listening better.
Nice they have a mic on the questions at Heup's pressers this year. Don't know if it will lead to better questions and/or fewer stinking ones; but at least we'll know who is asking what, and be less vulnerable to selectively edited and out-of-context clickbait "quotes." It makes listening better.
I just noticed the last question was off-mic and apparently dumb. Heup had to tell him "we haven't had the traditional game day set" yet.
Get out of the SEC then. Alabama and Georgia play all comers. Our program was much better when we played marquee out of conference opponents, instead of the sisters of the poor we have played in recent years. Playing patsies is the reason I no longer go to games. Tired of paying good money to watch mostly directional schools.
Looking to escalate much? Ok, one post and then I’ll let it go.

First of all, your argument for why you no longer go to games makes no sense. We play plenty of tough teams and we’ve always had at least 2 or 3 games that are easy wins, just like every other team in FBS. If scheduling an easy win or three is the litmus test, no other team passes, either. It’s almost like you’re trying to find a reason not to go… 🤨

Our schedule is already tough. We play plenty of marquee matchups during the conference schedule. Having an easier ooc schedule isn’t going to hurt us. It certainly didn’t help us to play a home and home with Oklahoma during the Dooley/Butch/Beldar era, did it?
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Nice they have a mic on the questions at Heup's pressers this year. Don't know if it will lead to better questions and/or fewer stinking ones; but at least we'll know who is asking what, and be less vulnerable to selectively edited and out-of-context clickbait "quotes." It makes listening better.
I would just be grateful to hear the questions they ask. VQ was famously bad for that side of the audio when they posted videos.

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