Recruiting Football Talk VIII

For the longest time I expected us to be good because throughout my lifetime we had always been good. I expected Dooley and Jones to succeed because we’re a really good football program. We win. The end of the Butch Jones era finally broke me. With Pruitt I was in full “show me” mode. No more expectations of success. I needed to see it to believe it, and I never fully got off the fence with Pruitt. I had that same “show me” attitude with Coach Hype. He has now proven that he can win big games and have success. The only question for me at this point is how high can we climb.
Same. 2017 was so bad. When Pruitt started failing I thought we were toast as a program. Hill was too big to climb. And “Meheupel” didn’t move the needle for me at all. But man, what a hire he has turned out to be. He’s not perfect and he’s gonna lose some games that piss us off, but he’s one of maybe 5 active coaches who could have pulled off what he did. And he’s proven to be a perfect match for this program and fanbase.

Same. 2017 was so bad. When Pruitt started failing I thought we were toast as a program. Hill was too big to climb. And “Meheupel” didn’t move the needle for me at all. But man, what a hire he has turned out to be. He’s not perfect and he’s gonna lose some games that piss us off, but he’s one of maybe 5 active coaches who could have pulled off what he did. And he’s proven to be a perfect match for this program and fanbase.

My only question is can Hype reach Georgia and Bama success? Can we reach the pinnacle? The way he’s recruited QB and the trenches, I think we can.
Happy Sunday. Not saying this one is saying we've turned the corner on our BVS, but maybe. Lol

September 8, 2024: Long standing wounds, both mentally and physically, will begin a healing process that will set you free from your agony. You are not alone in your suffering. God is with you always. Psalm 139:7-10 Where can I go from your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.
lol just heard Beamer’s post game…dude is delusional as hell

252 total yards

They just happened to play a somehow WORSE Offense and team today.

South Carolina has a pretty damn good DL, that’s it though. Dylan Stewart is elite and they got him that’s really it.

They can probably win 6 this year, Akron, Wofford, Vandy, A&M all winnable games. I’m honestly not sure if LSU or OU are gonna be able to handle their pressure or not either.

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