Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Ummmm. Stanford is from Silicon Valley, I thought that was Fresno?
San Jose. 10th largest city in the US. Some call it the home of Silicon Valley, but Palo Alto really is imo. SV is an area that stretches across that area. Stanford is in the middle of it.

Fresno is out in BFE and having flown in and out of it to visit Yosemite, man that place was truly left behind by god 😆
Nico Jesus? little too mediterranean
Came across a couple of good names at work this week.

One name showed in teams as "Oh, May". Not only a nice phrase, but if said normally, she is Mayo.

But my favorite was a guy named Jesus Sauce. I'm guessing it isn't pronounced like I'd naturally pronounce it. More like "hey zeus soze"...Kaiser's boy.
Buffalo Trace, wild turkey 101, elijah craig (toasted barrel if you can find it). Eagle rare if they're not ripping you off. Weller special reserve. If you're not a seasoned whiskey drinker I'd stay with the lower proofs, 80-90. I drink it neat but some will chunk an ice cube in there. You don't have to but i prefer the glencairn style if glass for drinking neat.

Beware though, it gets addictive. I'm not talking about drinking it but the chase. 😅
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Why the **** do you bring the rumor I’m hearing card to the forum and then not say **** about it….
That’s ********
Grow some balls and say what you heard instead of acting like a teenage drama queen bitch

I’m so ****ing tired of you people and these heard this rumor ******** going around when thing start going good

Say what you heard or gtfoh….
Why the **** do you bring the rumor I’m hearing card to the forum and then not say **** about it….
That’s ********
Grow some balls and say what you heard instead of acting like a teenage drama queen bitch

I’m so ****ing tired of you people and these heard this rumor ******** going around when thing start going good

Say what you heard or gtfoh….
Off the top rope!
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Why the **** do you bring the rumor I’m hearing card to the forum and then not say **** about it….
That’s ********
Grow some balls and say what you heard instead of acting like a teenage drama queen bitch

I’m so ****ing tired of you people and these heard this rumor ******** going around when thing start going good

Say what you heard or gtfoh….
Heard is a good player. Really concerned bigger picture as we will need all our horses for the stretch run. Our schedule is hard but doable. I think we all feel there is possibility for something special.

That said 1 player doesn't make or break a game.
This staff has proven time and again that when they decide to hold certain players out who are banged up, they know exactly what they are doing. I still remember in 2021 when we held out some banged up guys against Missouri and South Carolina. All I could think of is, what are they thinking! We ended up steamrolling both of those teams. We will be just fine tonight.

The one thing I hope is if Heard has a high ankle sprain, I wish we would go ahead and get him the tightrope surgery, so he can be full-go soon. Quit screwing around because it will nag him all year.

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