Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Love doing the low country boil I picked up from living in Savannah for a while. Of course they do shrimp not crawfish and get downright indignant if you try to add crawfish. Low country snobbery.

I'm soaking the beans tonite for my red beans and rice with andouille sausage tomorrow. I simmer that baby for six hours with some secret spices I got from a chef in New Orleans and smoked ham before slipping in the sausage for the last two hours. The sauce develops this silky look at the end.

Wayyyy TMI buddy.
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Love doing the low country boil I picked up from living in Savannah for a while. Of course they do shrimp not crawfish and get downright indignant if you try to add crawfish. Low country snobbery.

I'm soaking the beans tonite for my red beans and rice with andouille sausage tomorrow. I simmer that baby for six hours with some secret spices I got from a chef in New Orleans and smoked ham before slipping in the sausage for the last two hours. The sauce develops this silky look at the end. My yankee wife says she would never have believed beans could be that good.

I feel like I should remind you this site is family friendly. Keep it PG.

I have never put anyone on ignore, even though I’ve hovered over it with you. Calling a VFL freshman an idiot, just shows what you are. No, I still won’t push that button, because I still want to see you get roasted over your “insight”.
He does make poor choices when it comes to women though, lol. :)

Someone cue the crazy GF gif.
I don’t know who needs to see this right now, but here you are. Jalapeño burgers with grilled cheddar frico. Hot dogs for the kiddos.

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What are y’all grilling tonight? Showed you mine, you show me yours. Let’s see it!
Late catching up, but here are some green chile cheese stuffed burgers. Impatient kids didn't let me get a picture after they came off the grill.IMG_20200510_184415.jpg
Eh, I’d hand the ball to Shrout over Maurer. I think Shrout has more skill than people give him credit for. Maurer just looks so small out there.... Like he could snap in two at any moment.

I think it's JG then HB. Mauer or Shrout plays then we are having a disastrous season
Yea it’s a good move. I was pullin for Byron bc of personal preference but either deserves it. Not to bring up bad apples but thats why I’ve always said the Butch/SC coach thing is blown way out of proportion Bc it’s the assistants that are running most of the actual workouts. Sure the head guy steps in and lays out the plan but as far as actually being in the room especially in the off season it’s them. So they will do basically the same as what fitz was doing, just like Sherz was doing basically the same as what Lawson did..... we just have a better leader at the top this time around.
I don't know what you're even talking 'bout. I was not even wanting that job. Come on.
Love doing the low country boil I picked up from living in Savannah for a while. Of course they do shrimp not crawfish and get downright indignant if you try to add crawfish. Low country snobbery.

I'm soaking the beans tonite for my red beans and rice with andouille sausage tomorrow. I simmer that baby for six hours with some secret spices I got from a chef in New Orleans and smoked ham before slipping in the sausage for the last two hours. The sauce develops this silky look at the end. My yankee wife says she would never have believed beans could be that good.

It's breakfast and I want some. Of course when I'm on the coast I have shrimp and grits for breakfast a lot.

Well, having done the gulf coast into NOLA frequently versus the lowcountry even more frequently - it is a quandary as to which foodie culture may be better. It's more of a mood thing for me and I am always in the mood for one or the other. But as I have aged, sweet lowcountry shrimp have taken hold of me and will not let go. If that makes me a snob, so be it. lol.
Love doing the low country boil I picked up from living in Savannah for a while. Of course they do shrimp not crawfish and get downright indignant if you try to add crawfish. Low country snobbery.

I'm soaking the beans tonite for my red beans and rice with andouille sausage tomorrow. I simmer that baby for six hours with some secret spices I got from a chef in New Orleans and smoked ham before slipping in the sausage for the last two hours. The sauce develops this silky look at the end. My yankee wife says she would never have believed beans could be that good.

Intriquing that they're snobbish about shrimp over crawfish but include andouille and NOLA seasonings. Just seems if they wanted to be different and have their own boil they'd substitute those things as well. I mean heck cajuns also do shrimp boils when crawfish aren't in season.
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