Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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@Atlanta VOL care to divulge the QB situation that you said you couldn't say much about. You said JG had a very short leash. After the last game that doesn't seem apparent.
I highly doubt that he’s even gonna give you the time of day for a reply, much less for you to sit and chastise him. Smh
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I'm a fool because I disagreed with your opinion? Nice. Bye.
You're a fool because it was you, not me, that brought up last year. Since you felt that last year was relevant, then Georgia State and BYU most definitely should be part of the discussion.
If the discussion is are we on the same level as A&M and AUburn are as a program currently I agree we aren’t

But that isn’t the same as a discussion of who is better now and whose future is brighter. In that case we are most certainly on their level
If not ahead
I’ve watched him and played the position. I know he has a strong arm, quick release, and good mechanics. He made some plays and one bad decision against us. He could throw a slant and deep ball and strong on outs. Overall made good decisions. Then, got home and watched the film and broke it down. Kids going to be good.

Well I respect your opinion. Time will tell. He’s definitely started off on the right foot, I’ll give you that.
I think we’re on their tier currently. Who knows, maybe I’m wrong.

My point was there shouldn’t be this level of consternation over a loss at Georgia in which we didn’t play well.

I think Pruitt has laid the foundation and the potential is there for him to get us where we’re competing year in and year out in the East.
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I know we won't compete with Bama or be able to score enough to beat Florida. We will struggle with A&M who and Auburn without a balance offense and a QB we trust to throw the ball over the middle of the field.
Agree, when the schedule came out this year the two teams that I was concerned with was Auburn and A&M. I’ll probably get grilled for this but I wrote off Bama, Georgia and Florida as losses. If we can go 7-3 this year will be huge IMO
If we indeed get to play those games as scheduled, time will tell who needs a "reality check".


1 Georgia
2 Bama
3 Gators
4 - 12 Take you pick
13-14 Cellar Dwellers....Candy and Gamecocks
Florida just lost to A&M. The Gators defense is their weakness. It's pretty bad and almost costed them against South Carolina as well and I haven't seen their defense get any better from their first game till now. I won't discount it against Ole Miss because they look to have a great offense right now.
I don't know how people keep laying Saturday at JG's feet. He didn't play well, but our o-line, which should be top 5 in the nation, got absolutely manhandled in the run and pass.
I think it's the three turnovers. They completely changed the game. We sucked all day on the line badly but were somehow still in it until the turnovers. Had JG played the same way he did in the first half, in which the line also sucked, we dang well may have won that game. Amazingly. Also, even if the line and everyone on both sides of the ball played a great game, winning ANY game with three QB turnovers in the second half of a tight ball game is highly improbable. Plus he has a history of doing that kind of thing so people are already programmed to be less tolerant of it. It stands out even in a mountain of poor team play. But, yes, shame on the line. They looked as bad as a TN line has looked in years after getting national accolades only a few days before. That shouldn't happen against even the best. Not that badly all day long.
Just as soon be slapped in the nuts with a wet mop than to have to listen to Gary DanielsonView attachment 313887
My wife has no idea who Gary is but she does know based on my dialogue with the tv that I do not like him. lol She'll be in the kitchen and hear me and be like, "who's Gary and why are you cussing him right now?"
Most reasonable people have been on board with 2021 being the year to break through. The win streak and JG looking a little improved those first 2 games got everyone a little excited. But then to see the same old same old JG in the 2nd half vs UGA, and yet have no other QB on the roster ready to step in and roll, in year 3, is what has people upset. Sorry Weinke, but unless we see some QB development, we’re gonna have to cut you loose!
We have Pitt and Ole Miss (might Corral jump to the NFL?) and a Traskless UF I would imagine.

9-3 looks like a good possibility for 2021 and if we can roll that into 10 wins, that would be a first in like 15 years or whatever. Pruitt has been recruiting too much talent to not take a step forward and make it sustainable.
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