Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Boy, if Keon Johnson can live up to the hype then watch out.

But when was the last time we had an elite recruit live up to the hype?

I think we expect too much out of elite b-ball recruits. It can be misleading for recruits to be 5 stars when a guy like Lebron James would also be 5 stars. There should be a 6 star system for that over the top special talent guy.
If what AV said is true about the playbook, I have to wonder who has insisted on the play sheet being so thick.

Because I watched Jim Chaney throw freshman rock-head Tyler Bray in the game and let him sling it all over the field.

And we’ve heard time and time again Pruitt’s defense is very hard to learn.

So, I have some thoughts on who is to blame.
He also had to manage Jake Fromm his freshman year. I'm calling BS on this being on Chaney.
I think we expect too much out of elite b-ball recruits. It can be misleading for recruits to be 5 stars when a guy like Lebron James would also be 5 stars. There should be a 6 star system for that over the top special talent guy.
well, i think part of the hype with this kid has something to do with the roster he's joining.

anthony edwards went #1 last night. nobody put UGA in the final four conversation last year.
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Finally!!! Been saying this for months but all I hear is “Pruitt is micromanaging Chaney and the offense” “Chaney has always been successful in the past...he didn’t forget how to call plays”

So Oklahoma won a national championship in the past running the Wishbone. Pretty sure you’re not going to win a Natty these days running that offense. The game passed Chaney by a long time ago. He runs an archaic offense predicated on having superior talent to be successful. Literally the least creative offense in the FBS.
Good take other than the incorrect facts involved. Chaney's job this year is absolutely up for critique. That is a no-brainer. But he has ran lots of different offenses, many of them very successful. He has thrown the ball all over the field some years. Other years he has been very run dominant. This idea that he doesn't know what he is doing and runs an archaic offense because it is all he knows how to do is beyond stupid. It is some combination of him doing his job poorly with this offense, this year + trying to work around absolutely terrible QB play.
@Atlanta VOL man, take the ‘not the sharpest tools in the shed’ talk and throw it in the f’in trash. #1 they’re freshmen #2 it’s on the coaches to get them ready anyway possible. Don’t take it from me though.

These are things that look good on a brochure for marketing purposes. Like....No Child Left Behind. I have seen lots of athletes be coached and play games in basketball and football. Some that I have coached and some that others have coached. And this idea that everyone with athletic ability can be coached to be good no matter what, regardless of mental ability or work ethic, is just completely false. I have seen crazy good athletes that have received amazing coaching and it never clicked. They couldn't even process the information, they refused to put in work on their own, they could do it in a practice setting but couldn't translate it to a live game, the information was too much for them to remember.
well, i think part of the hype with this kid has something to do with the roster he's joining.

anthony edwards went #1 last night. nobody put UGA in the final four conversation last year.

He certainly has a talented surrounding cast. I think that not all 5*s are created equal though so the ranking system can be misleading. It’s easy to look at Zion Williamson and see the obvious talent. Then we get 5*s and some may incorrectly expect them to have the same impact as a Zion.
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Honestly Pruitt is just a moron I think. I think he's just trying to get us back in the W column by doing the Mississippi State game plan from last year. Problem is that's not gonna work against anybody we have left expect Vandy(and that's not even a guarantee. They're offense has improved as the season has gone along). It's time to lay it all out there, live with the mistakes HB makes. If it shatters his confidence for the rest of his career then he wasn't the guy to begin with. I don't understand what's so hard about that. You dumb down the playbook for the young WRs. These are things coaches do, but yet our coach is content on trying to jam the square peg in the round hole. YOUR CAREER RELIES ON WINS, how about try. That's all the fanbase wants to freaking see.

Lunacy at its finest. A moron, lol. He could spend an hour discussing football scheme and technique with you and you would come away having no idea what he was just talking about because he knows that much more about football than you do. Does that mean he has done a good job coaching this year? Not at all. Does that even mean that he definitely has the characteristics required to be a successful HEAD COACH? No not all. But when somebody could talk circles around you about a certain topic is kind of hard to label them as a moron. The only people that would really do that....are actual morons that aren't smart enough to know what they don't know.
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He certainly has a talented surrounding cast. I think that not all 5*s are created equal though so the ranking system can be misleading. It’s easy to look at Zion Williamson and see the obvious talent. Then we get 5*s and some may incorrectly expect them to have the same impact as a Zion.

Agreed. Blue bloods load up on 5*s every year but only a few actually break out. I think that's why we tend to view so many of our 5*s as busts. We just don't get a ton of them in either football or basketball. But other programs do, so they have a much greater chance of landing a few gamechangers every 2-3 years. And obviously there's a huge difference between an Anthony Davis/Zion Williamson 5* and a run of the mill 5* who ends up being a solid contributor at best.
yep....thinking the same things on this particular topic.

if kirby couldn't go 5* for 5* with Bama, i'd imagine he'd have similar results as some other saban disciples. and even with that level of talent, he hasn't beaten him.

agree on Jimbo....i forget sometimes he was even with LSU 20 years ago.......same with Muschamp for that matter.
Yeah, Jimbo was at Auburn with Terry Bowden longer than he was with Saban. He was also with Bobby Bowden at FSU. He's less a Saban guy than Pruitt.
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If we keep losing the Pruitt rumor mill is gonna spin out of control. Crowder 5 talk started after Butch lost to Arkansas in 2015, right? Who knows what kind of tales about Pruitt will bubble to the surface if Auburn blows us out.
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If we keep losing the Pruitt rumor mill is gonna spin out of control. Crowder 5 talk started after Butch lost to Arkansas in 2015, right? Who knows what kind of tales about Pruitt will bubble to the surface if Auburn blows us out.
Eh, I think Pruitt is a good guy and player's coach who happens to be in over his head.

Butch was a certified bad person.
Eh, I think Pruitt is a good guy and player's coach who happens to be in over his head.

Butch was a certified bad person.

Well we're already seeing smoke about there being division among coaches and a partially lost locker room. May not get rumors that he punched a kid but we'll see more negative behind the scenes stuff leak out.
Off topic. What ever happened to the poster on here that had JP Prince as his avi? He and Bruin used to go at it all the time. I cannot remember his username. Just curious.
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