Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Do you realize what you've done?

It’s not about money. It’s about how much our admin and boosters care to be elite. They don’t. Bama got their man and now they print money like Bezos. You can’t grow a successful business without making the right investments. If UT cared as much as Bama, Clemson, UF and others they would fire Pruitt today, hire Freeze (or someone even better) and in a few years they’d have all the $ they could count. But they continue going the cheap route and keeping coaches too long.

UF fired McElwain halfway thru year 3 after he won the division in back to back years. Why? Because they knew he wasn’t going to win it all and that’s their standard. UT’s standard isn’t in the same ballpark as many of our rivals. It’s pathetic and frankly, I’m tired of pumping up this garbage. They better make a change this fall and go get Freeze or someone better or they’re going to lose some of the most loyal fanbase in America.
It’s never been about money Ron. The sheep just don’t understand. Going to be sad watching Freeze beat us senseless for the foreseeable future.
Eh not really. I know everything is not ok and I support the program 100% regardless if things are good or bad...they don’t need to sugar coat anything to get my $. Some VFL’s are pissed and guess what there are also a lot who lIke JP and think we need to stay the course with him. Opinions on that matter are like assholes...and you know what they say about those.
That they are dirty and filled with s***? Lol
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at Rutgers of all places... just because he's a scumbag doesn't mean he can't coach football
He also wasn't a cultural fit for UT, nor do we have any idea how he would recruit in the South, nor would he be facing the teams that Rutgers played in the Big East. Your own chart says he didn't have a winning season until year 5. We're in year 3. So yeah, I don't believe Schiano would be doing well here. Could I be wrong? Absolutely. But I think probability favors my opinion.
There is only one family at TN that has that power.
I am assuming the Haslems. I was at a meeting years back where they told us that they gave over $100 million or something ridiculous. I thought to myself, there is no way even if I had that kind of money. But hey, at least I have a Haslem school of business tervus now. Lol.
Also take this into consideration when you start talking about someone stepping up and writing a check to buy out this staff.

The older you get the more risk averse you become in all aspects of life. A VERY large portion of our largest above board boosters when it comes to football are the guys that were in their prime during the Fulmer days. Where does that put them now...old and risk averse. You think they want to step up and write a check after what they have seen happen since Fulmers departure? UT needs some younger guys to step up to the plate or some of the older ones to (now take this with a grain of salt) to head off to the pasture and let their offspring run with the reigns.
I know you can’t go into great detail but do these mega donors get anything out of writing these checks besides VIP seats and the power trip? Is it even a tax right off?
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Comedic gold is thinking he has the ability to hire or fire a coach. Very few boosters have that amount of influence. That's like thinking UT cares what fans think. They don't.
If they didn't care what we think Schiano would be the head coach we were wishing would get fired today.
I think I have figured out the solution to all of our problems…it’s time for Volnation the fanbase to rally the troops, collect our money, and become one of those large boosters with the kind of money that has pull. I think if we can get 200,000 fans to contribute $200 each, then that’s $40 million. Hey @Atlanta VOL, what do you call that kind of money? Would that be enough to have pull regarding who we want as our coach?
I think I have figured out the solution to all of our problems…it’s time for Volnation the fanbase to rally the troops, collect our money, and become one of those large boosters with the kind of money that has pull. I think if we can get 200,000 fans to contribute $200 each, then that’s $40 million. Hey @Atlanta VOL, what do you call that kind of money? Would that be enough to have pull regarding who we want as our coach?
Set it up. I'll manage it.😎
I'm just gonna throw this out there.

I don't care who the coach is. I don't care if it's Pruitt. I don't care if it's Freeze. All I care about is winning. That's it. Just win. But, I keep reading these guarantees that Freeze is "the One". If we knew that beyond any doubt, I'd be all aboard that train, but we don't. And right now, we have a good recruiting class that will absolutely fall apart if we fire Pruitt, putting us that much further behind when it comes to simple talent level. So any coach coming in would immediately be at a disadvantage again. So when people say I'm risk adverse, you're damn right, I am. I'm not opposed to moving on from Pruitt, but I also don't want to watch our recruiting class fall apart. And sure, maybe it does anyway IF we keep losing, but right now, it hasn't. And I'm not going to hope for losses for any of that to happen. Not because I like Pruitt, but because I cheer for every player on that team, even JG, as much as he puts me into fits. I cheer for the Orange and White, not the coaches on the sideline. And yes, I'm also greedy and want the kids currently in our recruiting class to stay committed and also wear that O&W. All of that, and yes, I want to be great again. I don't have much faith Pruitt can get us there, but I don't have faith in Freeze either. I guess everyone sees what they want, but I see a coach that cheated at Ole Miss and still wasn't competing for championships. And yes, I see the success he's having at Liberty, but I also looked at their schedule, which wasn't that impressive IMO. Currently, I just don't see that coach out there, willing to come here, that I actually have faith will be the one to get us where we want to go. And it's not about loyalty to Pruitt. Like I said, I don't care who the coach is as long as we're winning. But I don't share the faith many of you seem to have in Freeze, and I don't want to take another step backwards. I'm not that old, but my health is not that great. I'm tired of going backwards. I want to see this team succeed again before I leave this Earth.
#108 at 20.7 points a game, which is a serious regression in itself, and we have a booster and coaching staff that think a 5th year incompetent QB is the best they have. SMH. No wonder our program is a bottom feeder now.

AV - FWIW, many of us on here and Vol fans everywhere know a bit about the game. Insulting our intelligence is not the best look.
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