Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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"Worst program in the West" is subjective. They don't have a clear cut program like Vanderbilt that is easily singled out as the worst. The title in the west has rotated between Arkansas, Ole Miss, and Mississippi State. Truthfully, OM is not as bad as some make it out to be. Other coaches have had success there, including David Cutcliffe.
Really? Name me a coach that is still living besides Cut and Freeze that won 10 games at Ole Miss..
It's really a no brainer

Leave Doofy it out this! He's cleaning his room
Really? Name me a coach that is still living besides Cut and Freeze that won 10 games at Ole Miss..
10 wins is lofty. Freeze only had one 10 win season at OM. Nutt had two 9 win seasons there. Ole Miss is not Vanderbilt-level bad. You like Hugh Freeze. Good for you. No need to overhype him. Realistically, he is a good coach. I don't think he's the guarantee he's made out to be, but he's a good coach.
Freeze is too thin skinned for me. If he loses a few games here, knowing how a lot of us act on social media. He would drive himself mad.
I worry for his mental health if he searched his name on social media after a bad loss. He did that at Ole Miss and responded to/DMed people. Pretty crazy.
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No one sets themselves up for disappointment like Vol fans.
Our ability/willingness to reset expectations back up to the highest level after just having our heart broken is unlike anything I've ever seen. And we don't even realize it.

This time 3 years ago, people were crushed because they thought they were getting Gruden, but concluded we didn't because Jimmy Haslam tried to force a hire of Greg Schiano. Today, they think that same guy (Haslam) is working behind the scenes to hire Hugh Freeze.
I was referring to this:
Yeah, that part you bolded isn't a denial of Alabama having a state-wide system that aids them. And even though that state-wide system obviously favors Alabama, there are elements within it that favor Auburn. You think Ohio St, Oklahoma, Georgia, etc. doesn't have the same thing? None of those schools have an in-state rival to worry about. Kirby has essentially recruited at an equivalent level to Saban since he got to Athens.
Very easy answer for me as well.

A lot of folks use the Ole Miss vs. Auburn comparison, and I think there’s some merit there, but Ole Miss was recruiting above its head, largely due to cheating, when Hugh was there. So my opinion is the rosters were closer than they usually are - thus making it a more level playing field.

So the Barn doesn't cheat at a higher level than Ole Miss, or anybody else for that matter? Of course they do and you know it. Which makes Gus' record even worse. With that level of cheating they got 4-6 losses per year beginning in Year Two. So Auburn folks are too dumb to know what a gem they had? C'mon, KV. That O scheme of Mahlzahn's was figured out long ago. It's Springdale, AR HS with better athletes. They won with D.
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