Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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surprised the transfer rule isn't getting more run....that opens up a door, that goes both ways, but that could make things real interesting....
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OK, so what are we arguing about then? That's my point. Alabama is not unique in cheating on a massive scale.

I don't believe this notion that the reason they recruit as well as well as they do is because they are doing things that are beyond the pale, way different than what anybody else does.

I think they are in the SEC. You seem to be saying it is the same as ANYBODY else. I 100% disagree. There are a few teams nationally, sure, I agree. But this isn't ALL just Saban being Saban. There are very very few teams Saban could replicate this at. I doubt outside of Bama there is another in the SEC. He can win championhips at other conference schools, but not go on a run like he is now. No ****ing way.

If Ole Miss or KY or hell, even UF did they would get the hammer thrown down on them. LSU is getting sanctions. Ole Miss got slapped. Interestingly enough, both those teams beat Bama the year before and have had success against Saban in the past.

I guess my point is it is futile to even try and compete. Bama hits the field and it is a semi-pro team going against a JV team every Saturday. There is built in networks and protections off the field that simply don't exist at other schools that make this possible. Saban is just able to effectively exploit it really really good.
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OK, so what are we arguing about then? That's my point. Alabama is not unique in cheating on a massive scale.

I don't believe this notion that the reason they recruit as well as well as they do is because they are doing things that are beyond the pale, way different than what anybody else does.

There are two options with an outliers like Duke/UK basketball, Bama football, etc.: 1) everyone is cheating so there is something about those programs that make recruits choose them; 2) those programs are doing something more or different when it comes to cheating.

You are choosing to believe the former. I think it’s the latter because that makes far more sense. For example, look at UGA. Good to very good recruiting classes under Richt. Kirby comes in and UGA starts recruiting like Bama. Why? Because they are now cheating just like Bama.

If you look at what Louisville was doing/paying to get recruits, you have to know that other programs are offering more. No one is turning that down to go somewhere else.
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When Pruitt is back next year, there needs to be a stickied thread that lists all the blow hards that have been littering the thread with their masturbatory nonsense the last few weeks with:

“it’s happening Sunday”
“Or Monday”
“When all this comes out, CJP is fired for cause”
“The OBC is doing shady stuff”
“Fulmer and Pruitt are both going down”
“The gears are turning”
“The wheels are turning”
“High level meetings are happening”
“Feelers are being put out there”

Etc etc etc

None of these guys know anything. They aren’t connected. They either rob info from TOS or they make it up for Ecred.

I’ve been on this forum a long time. 11 years. Donkeys live a long time.

None of these posters are insiders.

They don’t want to be saved. Same ones will be right back in a few months. A lot of great posters left or rarely post now bc of these clowns.
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No coach is 100% guaranteed to succeed. Freeze checks a lot of boxes --Big Personality, Players Coach, Offensive Innovator that we lack right now. Kiffin does too. Any of them will have some type of baggage, even Stoops has a reputation for blowing big games and has been out of it for a few years. Just got to do something to generate energy and excitement for the program.
Tony would be universally beloved on VN if he was a good ole boy from East Tennessee who had a southern accent. I honestly think the fact he wears on people is because he's a Yankee from Philly with an annoying voice. But so what - he's an alum, has been in Knoxville for a long time, and clearly loves the Vols. It is a little unusual listening to a guy with a strong Philly accent talking about Tennessee/SEC football.

I enjoy listening to him. Grain of salt, to be sure, but is there anybody in media that you shouldn't take with a grain of salt? People act like his unique for some reason in that regard.

I think one of the main reasons he isn’t liked by a few is because he doesn’t pump sunshine. He’s not overly negative either. After Pruitt lost to Ga State and BYU, Basilio was talking people off the ledge. He just doesn’t sugarcoat or overlook red flags either and that’s too much for some people to handle. He also mentions rumors that other state run personalities won’t share. Rumors are definitely a grain of salt area but also the most fun.
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