Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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My guess is that he will keep saying the off season hurt us and only us. Lol please everyone dealt with this.
That’s where you’re wrong. Only we were affected. None of this was Pruitts fault. Smh... If that’s the narrative that we’re going to be fed if/once they trot Cornbread back out there next year, it’s just going to prove the level of apathy within our AD.
thought they already did? turned 'em down waiting on TN.....amirite?
I dont think we know anything about that. I find it really hard to believe Freeze would turn down Auburn waiting for UT to “open up.” In fact, it’s kindof ridiculous. Maybe you have some sarcasm in there ha.
Yeah this is such a ridiculous argument. Every single school has dealt with the COVID stuff. Not to mention you have first-year SEC head coaches dealing with it just fine and thriving (Pittman (career position coach) and Drinkwitz). Pruitt is in his 3rd year as head coach and cant deal with it?
Not only that, but the team has gotten worse as the season has gone on. We actually won and looked the best in the first 2 games of the season right out of a fall camp that a ton of guys missed time in.

It'd still be an excuse, but I'd be more inclined to buy the "...but COVID" argument if we looked awful in the first couple games of the season, but got consistently better as the season went along. We've done the opposite.
Seems like UGA Ray and our insiders are in agreement about the state of things on the Hill, that is 'til UGA Ray retracted.
Not only that, but the team has gotten worse as the season has gone on. We actually won and looked the best in the first 2 games of the season right out of a fall camp that a ton of guys missed time in.

It'd still be an excuse, but I'd be more inclined to buy the "...but COVID" argument if we looked awful in the first couple games of the season, but got consistently better as the season went along. We've done the opposite.
Not only that, but the two examples I gave (Arky and Mizz) with first year head coaches AND recruit way worse than UT does. So in addition to being first time coaches, they have way less talent to work with than UT does. The more I think about it the more I realize how abysmal this year has been on UT’s part. There is just no excuse for it.
Yeah this is such a ridiculous argument. Every single school has dealt with the COVID stuff. Not to mention you have first-year SEC head coaches dealing with it just fine and thriving (Pittman (career position coach) and Drinkwitz). Pruitt is in his 3rd year as head coach and cant deal with it?
i think the difference for this team is just the stage the core of the talent is on this roster.

i don't know how veteran Ark or Mizzou's rosters are, but i do know the core talent on this roster is comprised of that 19 and 20 class.

so you have an entire freshmen class, EE's included, that got ZERO off season. and a SO class that missed it's most important year of off season development...that being year 1 to 2....and it's the first off season with out Fitz......not to mention the different rules each state/local governments were implementing in response to covid, be it testing, quarntining, contact tracing etc......

so while, yes, everyone had to deal with it, there are nuances and context that differ between programs. and it's not just as simple as saying "everyone had to deal with it" and ending it there.....

having said all that, that doesn't mean that our staff handled all of this right or effectively. i think if you got PF and JP in a room by themselves, they'd probably tell you a few things they'd like to do over....hindsight being what it is.
100% Wrong.

Drink and Pitt both have better teams year 1. Pruitt sucks, and I'm tired of people trying to cover for him. EVERYONE dealt with Covid, Pruitt can't coach for ****, unless he has elite talent, we don't. Dude sucks, need a COACH. Period.
lazy take.
I dont think we know anything about that. I find it really hard to believe Freeze would turn down Auburn waiting for UT to “open up.” In fact, it’s kindof ridiculous. Maybe you have some sarcasm in there ha.
lazy take.

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