Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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There are two options with an outliers like Duke/UK basketball, Bama football, etc.: 1) everyone is cheating so there is something about those programs that make recruits choose them; 2) those programs are doing something more or different when it comes to cheating.

You are choosing to believe the former. I think it’s the latter because that makes far more sense. For example, look at UGA. Good to very good recruiting classes under Richt. Kirby comes in and UGA starts recruiting like Bama. Why? Because they are now cheating just like Bama.

If you look at what Louisville was doing/paying to get recruits, you have to know that other programs are offering more. No one is turning that down to go somewhere else.
When cash does not become a differentiator, you pick a school on some other basis.

If Alabama, Georgia, and Florida offer a 5-star basically the same amount of money/perks, then you make the decision based on other factors. Who's the best coach? What school offers the most opportunity to play in big games? Which school puts the most players in the NFL? Oftentimes, the answer to that question is Alabama.

Y'all think I'm naive about Alabama's cheating...honestly, I think it is more naive to think that only Alabama is cheating in a large-scale way, and most other big schools aren't. I think that most schools, especially the big schools, all cheat in basically the same kids of ways. You have to cheat just to get your foot in the door. Getting a certain amount of money/perks is just understood up front and a cost of doing business. The kids make their actual decisions mostly on other factors, predominantly the level of exposure they think they are going to get and which school maximizes their chances of going pro.
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For real or blue font? Serious question.

It's blue, Sir Yacht is from Big Ten country - he's actually a tik toker who apparently got random inside information this summer that the Big Ten was playing football this year and that coaches were meeting, the white house was involved, etc, some of which was right.

Sir Yacht Was (Kind of) Right
When Pruitt is back next year, there needs to be a stickied thread that lists all the blow hards that have been littering the thread with their masturbatory nonsense the last few weeks with:

“it’s happening Sunday”
“Or Monday”
“When all this comes out, CJP is fired for cause”
“The OBC is doing shady stuff”
“Fulmer and Pruitt are both going down”
“The gears are turning”
“The wheels are turning”
“High level meetings are happening”
“Feelers are being put out there”

Etc etc etc

None of these guys know anything. They aren’t connected. They either rob info from TOS or they make it up for Ecred.

I’ve been on this forum a long time. 11 years. Donkeys live a long time.

None of these posters are insiders.
Oh this was serious haha

It is, kind of. He was 100% the first person to break that the Big 10 was coming back after they shut down the season, and it took at least a few days if not weeks before the first truly reputable person mentioned it was a possibility. He calls other stuff now, but it's more of things like the Freeze tweet that have been hinted at by others.
Tony would be universally beloved on VN if he was a good ole boy from East Tennessee who had a southern accent. I honestly think the fact he wears on people is because he's a Yankee from Philly with an annoying voice. But so what - he's an alum, has been in Knoxville for a long time, and clearly loves the Vols. It is a little unusual listening to a guy with a strong Philly accent talking about Tennessee/SEC football.

I enjoy listening to him. Grain of salt, to be sure, but is there anybody in media that you shouldn't take with a grain of salt? People act like his unique for some reason in that regard.
It's his hat that gets under my skin.

(J/K, I love Tony B) he used to go to my church. Haven't seen him in a while.
So, let me clarify some things.

Something supposedly happened over the summer.

We didn't hear anything about this at all, from anyone, until like a week ago?

Now, suddenly, there are 5 insiders on this message board who "know" all about this?


No, ATL Vol posted about it back then but no details. Said if it came out it would be BAD.
I just think it can't accurately be stated but it is more guesswork..

The off season definitely contributed to lack of development and contributed to the regression. It can't be over stated how losing all that time to the S&C work from spring through summer would be a negative impact on players. I've been around too many college football players and understand they have to be pushed hard to maximize workouts and they were on their own to do it.. of course the staff may have been able to come up with better approach to ensuring they were working.

From a a coaching perspective it had to hurt the DL that Brumbaugh was a bust. From what I've heard he was not pushing his players much at all but just drawing a check.. Not being around them I can't 100% take that as accurate but you have to believe it since Pruitt fired him mid-season. Pruitt has to own that snafu. This snafu itself could explain a lot about the regression of the defense.

My guess is, both of these had negative impact on defense..
So, let me clarify some things.

Something supposedly happened over the summer.

We didn't hear anything about this at all, from anyone, until like a week ago?

Now, suddenly, there are 5 insiders on this message board who "know" all about this?

Same stuff happened with Butch and Dooley. Those things were confirmed after they left. Tennessee isn't as bad as most think in keeping things under a rug. They do it when it's in the best interest of the program. It comes out when the coach is out the door. Happens every time and it's always been confirmed afterwards. 🤷‍♂️
No coach is 100% guaranteed to succeed. Freeze checks a lot of boxes --Big Personality, Players Coach, Offensive Innovator that we lack right now. Kiffin does too. Any of them will have some type of baggage, even Stoops has a reputation for blowing big games and has been out of it for a few years. Just got to do something to generate energy and excitement for the program.
agreed. if you fire pruitt, you can't bring in another "jonespruittdooley" type. if there's a guy, or two, you have at the top of the go after them, with a "not gonna take no for an answer" attitude.

and if it doesn't work out, just keep the guy we got. Pruitt, Jones and Dooley were wellllllll down our lists in those searches, so why go get another guy that's 8th or more on the list? just keep this "#8 choice". sometimes, its the devil that you know.....and you find ways to work with what that guy does well, accentuate it as best you can, and make up for the shortfalls elsewhere on the staff.

and then, when you have an opportunity to target another guy, or two, that you have identified, you do it again.

all of this targeting i'm talking about is private/back channel. public should never know about least not until it's too late.

the fallacy in thinking here is thinking that simply firing pruitt addresses the problem....all the "hope we fire pruitt" talk...makes no sense. yeah, he should be fired. but that's like the easiest part of the equation....

what's the plan for the hire? that's the only thing that should matter in this particular decision making tree. no logical person can realistically give you reasons we should or have to keep least none that supersede the reasons he should be let go....

My guess is that he will keep saying the off season hurt us and only us. Lol please everyone dealt with this.
Yeah this is such a ridiculous argument. Every single school has dealt with the COVID stuff. Not to mention you have first-year SEC head coaches dealing with it just fine and thriving (Pittman (career position coach) and Drinkwitz). Pruitt is in his 3rd year as head coach and cant deal with it?
No coach is 100% guaranteed to succeed. Freeze checks a lot of boxes --Big Personality, Players Coach, Offensive Innovator that we lack right now. Kiffin does too. Any of them will have some type of baggage, even Stoops has a reputation for blowing big games and has been out of it for a few years. Just got to do something to generate energy and excitement for the program.
Right. Energy, excitement, hope.... Nothing is guaranteed, but he would bring hope that the offense could be exciting (after years of almost dreading getting the ball). Hope that we might beat FL having more talent than them. Hope we might beat AL or GA even though they have way more talent. Would be nice just having a team you could enjoy watching them play.
Yeah this is such a ridiculous argument. Every single school has dealt with the COVID stuff. Not to mention you have first-year SEC head coaches dealing with it just fine and thriving (Pittman (career position coach) and Drinkwitz). Pruitt is in his 3rd year as head coach and cant deal with it?
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