Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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IMO I think people are missing the overall point. I don’t think Pruitt wanted to deal with it. He got PIST about the contact tracing protocols, and I feel like he pouted about it. He never really took it seriously, then when the season was really going to happen we were behind the 8 ball. Which is what lead to JG, regression in D, and a complete bust of a season.

He just completely mismanaged the situation.
lotta of speculation here, but there may be some hints of truth strewn about. and yes, i think how the whole thing was managed, especially when we were able to get guys back in the mix in practice, we didn't do enough, early enough, to get more folks ready. not knowing all the rules on practice time etc....our how you could split time? maybe they could do multiple sessions, cohort a, you can segregate players so as not to violate any practice limit rules? believe they started doing that as the season went along with the sunday scrimmages, but i think that's one thing they could have done earlier, during the week possibly?

anyway, yeah, long story short...i think they'd like to take a do over on a few things from a personnel management and practice managmenet standpoint.
Pivoting a little, I think we can slow Texas A&M down running the football. I think our strategy will be to make Mond beat us through the air, but I doubt we can stop the passing attack, haven't really shown the ability to all year. I really hope we can play an inspired game this weekend, just for Pruitt's sake with all that's going on with his grandfather. Offensively, I don't expect much, just hopeful we can play 15 and stick with him the whole game. Steal some points with field position, and not make any fatal turnovers.

A&M has a defensive line that rivals Georgia's.....I dont think we run the ball any better than we did against them and I can see Bailey getting pressured constantly.
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Auburn and Tennessee are in very similar boats when it comes to hiring a football coach. Both have several top 10 teams they have to play every year and both have fan bases that expect more than most coaches can deliver. They are both very dangerous jobs that can ruin a coach's future. Most good coaches are not willing to take that chance at either school.

Look at Auburn's recent coaching hire record. Chizek was the only one they could get willing to go along with Auburn's recruiting "methods". Then he lucked into Cam Newton. He still only made it 3 years at Auburn. Then Auburn hired their old OC (Malzahn) who already was bought into Auburn's recruiting methods. Now looks like they may have to setting for the existing DC (Steele).

I don't really need to go into the Vols coaching hires since Fulmer was fired and Lane made his quick exit. Always going to be a McGoogle coach or someone looking for a 2nd chance lifeline (Freeze). Don't get me wrong, I think Freeze would bring much excitement to Vols fans and maybe have a couple good years at UT. However, there is a high probability that his transgressions appear again .. plus NCAA and SEC office would be looking to make an example of whoever hires him.
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