Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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ruh roh raggie

Good grief....

So we're getting sued for defamation of character by JG's Nana and having a fire Coach Pruitt rally this Saturday... before the game? What has happened?!? I thought we were going to let Auburn have the most dysfunctional coaching search this year?
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Power programs have search firms on retainer. They play other roles and vet hires for all sports year-round. Most of it is routine. During a high-profile search, schools often hire another search firm to handle certain things. When this hits the media, people assume that the school has done nothing up to that point-- generally not a good assumption.
if we're gonna have a shot, we need to stop the run game. spiller is a beast...their O Line has been really, really good all year.

i expect us to sell out to stop the run, and take our chances on the back end.

Well then they will hang 70 on us if they want... we've gotten ZERO pressure on any QB we've played, the D line just plays patty-cake with the opposing O line, and our secondary couldn't cover their own nose if they sneezed... so we screwed.
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That’s where you’re wrong. Only we were affected. None of this was Pruitts fault. Smh... If that’s the narrative that we’re going to be fed if/once they trot Cornbread back out there next year, it’s just going to prove the level of apathy within our AD.
If he’s wanting to leave like some have said, it sound b easy decision for admt
Good grief....

So we're getting sued for defamation of character by JG's Nana and having a fire Coach Pruitt rally this Saturday... before the game? What has happened?!? I thought we were going to let Auburn have the most dysfunctional coaching search this year?
Lol no clue but JG's grandma is suing us?
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Grabbing breakfast and was scrolling through Twitter, I don't know how to post a twitter link but JG's mother took all Tennessee stuff off her Twitter and just posted "What are the grounds for defamation of character? "
Lol no clue but JG's grandma is suing us?

"Allegedly". I think Nana is just sending out feelers right now.

Edit: My mistake, it's JG's mother. His Nana would've made sense too. His mom, dad, and BM have all came to JG's rescue on Twitter.... bless his heart. He's the toughest QB I've ever saw wearing the Orange, unfortunately he's also been the worst.
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