Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Yeah but if JP negotiated it down to $5M-$7M to step down, thanked UT for the opportunity, and just left, I think he'd be remembered more as a guy that "just wasn't ready" as opposed to, the "dumbest coach" we've ever had.
We remember Butch as the biggest prick ever for taking the buyout and hanging out at bama until he got paid in full. Ill never forget the pic of BJ smoking cigars in Neyland with the bama players. I don't think JP wants to be remembered that way.

If I was in JP's position, I'd take $5M, publicly apologize for things not working out, and go back home a happy man, with a clear conscience. But that's just me and I've never had that kind of choice to make.
Money talks. Nobody is walking away from the other 6-7 million. That amount of money will change his kids and their kids lives.
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Look @BruinVol all I am asking is for you to tone down the name calling and scathing labels on people who aren't doing anything awful and aren't saying anything much different than you are. This invisible qualifier is BS. That's my point. I don't think you are a bad dude because you called a player an idiot on here, Facebook, Twitter, facetime with your meemaw, etc. That's all. I'll drop it for the sake of everyone else. Be blessed Bruin.
Olive branch
Of course not. But just because x amount of parents look at a forum out of xx amount of total parents doesn't delegilitimize the argument. Parents still look. The exposure still exists as it can go viral on the internet. AV is popular on other boards where other parents go. Screenshots from here have made it to Twitter. You call the person making the comment a POS because of their comment when you engage in the same commentary. JGs mom had to search the posters commentary out on her own. It didn't just magically reach her.

So what makes the comments bad? That they are inflammatory or because more people might see it?
Can somebody please post a link to Volnation post that discusses this lawsuit by JG's mom? I have seen discussions about it, and I have tried looking back through the thread to find the original posts, but I have been unsuccessful in finding it so far.
Of course not. But just because x amount of parents look at a forum out of xx amount of total parents doesn't delegilitimize the argument. Parents still look. The exposure still exists as it can go viral on the internet. AV is popular on other boards where other parents go. Screenshots from here have made it to Twitter. You call the person making the comment a POS because of their comment when you engage in the same commentary. JGs mom had to search the posters commentary out on her own. It didn't just magically reach her.

So what makes the comments bad? That they are inflammatory or because more people might see it?

as I’ve said Twitter is worse

Slanderous post here are bad too just not as bad due to viewers
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Everyone agree?

The fact that he says this just goes to show you how bad our brand has been damaged. We may get mad and point to our history, but we ain’t winning now, and we haven’t won big in awhile.

And I wish more people in the power tower next to the stadium would be pissed off about it enough to do something, because this isn’t helping the academic side recruit students either.
Can somebody please post a link to Volnation post that discusses this lawsuit by JG's mom? I have seen discussions about it, and I have tried looking back through the thread to find the original posts, but I have been unsuccessful in finding it so far.
I dont think anyone knows. @LA Vol is JG leaving mitigating the issue from the summer?
I think we have more guys leaning toward moving on than people think. They can opt to participate even if they're still mulling it over. Only a handful have made it official.

It seems to be getting more obvious that CP will not be here next year. Seems CP is toxic right now and so could be the program. He needs to get the git shirt. lol
Grabbing breakfast and was scrolling through Twitter, I don't know how to post a twitter link but JG's mother took all Tennessee stuff off her Twitter and just posted "What are the grounds for defamation of character? "
Maybe we are finding out the real reason why Pruitt kept trotting JG out there pick 6 after pick 6???
Disadvantage of resources???? He cheated to get some of these guys. He literally gave them MORE resources than other schools to get them to Ole Miss LOL

Smh. You think other school werent paying? He outbid yes but it doesn’t change that he was recruiting at an Ole Miss with lesser facilities and smaller field and less staff resources and giving us UGA, Bama etc headaches in recruiting. You can pay all you want but you still have the resource disadvantage to overcome. It’s not that hard to understand
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Grabbing breakfast and was scrolling through Twitter, I don't know how to post a twitter link but JG's mother took all Tennessee stuff off her Twitter and just posted "What are the grounds for defamation of character? "
Maybe we are finding out the real reason why Pruitt kept trotting JG out there pick 6 after pick 6???
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Moot point...different classes.
What? To say Bailey or shrout are better than Howell who is one of the best QBs to play at UNC is craziness. Shrout has been here three years and done nothing. Bailey has played two games. And I’m a huge Bailey fan.
Look @BruinVol all I am asking is for you to tone down the name calling and scathing labels on people who aren't doing anything awful and aren't saying anything much different than you are. This invisible qualifier is BS. That's my point. I don't think you are a bad dude because you called a player an idiot on here, Facebook, Twitter, facetime with your meemaw, etc. That's all. I'll drop it for the sake of everyone else. Be blessed Bruin.

I’ll continue to call out any poster that tweets directly at a players family like yourself

and I’ll Continue to call out posters that brag about making slanderous post About VFLs and getting blocked by family members

That ain’t changing sorry
im thinking of a song..."girl, don't go away mad, just go away".

i kid. it's unfortunate for JG. he has everything you'd want for a VFL to be....except the skills necessary to be successful on the field. i hope history is kinder to him, once his career is a bit further in the rear view. appreciate everything esle.

Van Morrison "Don't let the screen door hit you on your way out"
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