Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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I also think it's kind of telling that Auburn wants absolutely nothing to do with Freeze.

They have always been kind of a renegade, outlaw program that has pushed the envelope, and I figured some of their people would be interested in him.
It's not even that for me with Schiano. It's not hay he went to bat for someone who was inconsequential to his career

Currie or Schiano? I guess both but he went to bat for Currie indirectly pretty hard by defending Schiano.

It opened a new world of thinking for me. All media opinions are purchased, either monetarily or through favors. He wanted to maintain that AD relationship to keep getting scoops.
Wow. Imagine if we were winning. You'll never convince me that we don't have the potential of a top 4-5 SEC program. Hire the right coach and watch us take off.
Tennessee is just as capable as any team if we had a competent coach. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Teams with less tradition, money and branding win all the time. We can be elite if we want to be.
Putting emotion aside, I think Tennessee and Auburn are right on par with each other. Both well respected schools with histories of success. I think that is why we go head to head with them for a lot of players. I would put Florida St and Michigan on the same par. Any four of these teams could rise to elite status with the right coaching hire and support.
As far as the success of the schools were pretty similar, but from a coaching perspective I think the fact Auburn has to compete with Alabama for every little thing makes that job significantly harder than Tennessee's and ergo Tennessee a better job. Success at Tennessee should not be near as hard as the previous 3 coaches has made it look.
Sounds like Steele is a snake in the grass trying to weasel his way into an HC spot. No thanks.
Some serious assumptions being made there. Steele has been a great DC for Auburn. Not all that surprising he would be the one to get the Interim HC title. I doubt he was lobbying for it behind closed doors.
Comeback attempt registers as 'Very Poor'

That's okay! At least you tried!


Your latest swing is saying "nice comeback" (w another ****** gif for likes). I feel like I am in middle school reading that, but that is not surprising as I believe you to have the intelligence of a middle schooler.
Currie or Schiano? I guess both but he went to bat for Currie indirectly pretty hard by defending Schiano.

It opened a new world of thinking for me. All media opinions are purchased, either monetarily or through favors. He wanted to maintain that AD relationship to keep getting scoops.
Look at what happened between Wolken and Currie, then know that this kind of stuff happens with more consequential reporting, like politics.

Mark Nagi also stated in "Decade of Dysfunction" that Schiano was well-known in media circles for leaking information, which made him kind of unusual among coaches who are usually really tight-lipped. That's why others in the media went to bat for him too - they liked him because he'd tell them stuff other coaches wouldn't, and were disappointed when Tennessee fans killed the hire. They perceived Schiano being a head coach at a big program was good for them, good for business.

The release of those emails/texts from the coaching search was one of the most interesting things I've seen in a long time.
Your latest swing is saying "nice comeback" (w another ****** gif for likes). I feel like I am in middle school reading that, but that is not surprising as I believe you to have the intelligence of a middle schooler.
Glad to see you caught on to the intended condescension! You're learning! Awww that's so cute!
I was about to post the same thing. In all of his posts he is talking about what AU has done the last 20 years. I mean, I get it, but AU hasn't had Derek Dooley, Butch Jones, and Jeremy Pruitt as head coaches. If twitter existed in 2000 TN would be mentioned as a top 2-3 job in the SEC. Recency bias is real. Hire the right coach and these stupid comments from idiot media members goes away.

By his same logic AU is a better job than GA. They've won championships more recently. Oh, and by the way, TN has won a national title more recently than GA too. His logic doesn't hold up.
This quote is exactly why we need a change and go hire a proven head coach. We have sucked for over a decade and now people view us as Kentucky. It’s time to take our place back in college football like Bama did when they hired Saban.
It wasn’t like we chose Shrout over Howell. Didn’t choose ANYONE over him. He picked Florida State OVER us and then flipped to his home school...which is what would have happened if we had been the original choice. We didn’t do anything in 2018 that would have prevented poaching. This “he wanted to be here” shizz is manufactured misery drama from skilled artists of the trade.
I don’t know why we are discussing if he should be here or not. That’s not at all what I was commenting on or referencing. The comment said Bailey and Shrout are better. I merely said we cannot say that yet and Shrout is for sure not better. But I hope you feel better getting that off your chest lol.
If he did that he'd absolutely be the dumbest coach we ever had. Whether he takes his full contract amount will have very little bearing on the way he's remembered, or rather the many different ways he's remembered by different factions of the fanbase.

Plus, he probably has a very different take on what's been going on than all of us on the outside do. And he may be closer to being correct about that than we are, we may never know. The reality, as always, will be somewhere in between. Probably he wasn't the right guy for the job and there were factors working against him. Such is life.

And there's no apologizing and going home happy either. Like just about every coach that's ever been fired, he probably thinks that if given the opportunity and adequate support he can right the ship.

But the only way he negotiates a lesser buyout is if someone has leverage on him in some way.
It's an old school, Southern way of thinking. It's a dying trait in people to have humility, feel shame, or care what people think about you. I'm under the impression that JP has that old school, Southern mentality but maybe he don't. We'll see what happens.

In general, money changes people
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