Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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This quote is exactly why we need a change and go hire a proven head coach. We have sucked for over a decade and now people view us as Kentucky. It’s time to take our place back in college football like Bama did when they hired Saban.
I'm done with hiring guys who haven't proven something at the P5 level. Nobody we have hired since Fulmer has proven anything at the P5 level before we hired them.

It definitely is possible to identify an up and coming coach. Our admin just simply can't do it. To mitigate the risk, you have to go with a proven guy this time. Chadwell and Napier, even though they might be good coaches, aren't gonna cut it this time.
For everyone taking the Josh Moon tweet at face value, he's not an overly respected media source down here and he's certainly not plugged into the football programs anymore than the average national media guy. Just a heads up.
Too conspiratorial to be taken seriously.

He’s getting played by someone.
As far as the success of the schools were pretty similar, but from a coaching perspective I think the fact Auburn has to compete with Alabama for every little thing makes that job significantly harder than Tennessee's and ergo Tennessee a better job. Success at Tennessee should not be near as hard as the previous 3 coaches has made it look.
Just like Tennessee had to deal with Florida during the Spurrier and Meyer years. Just ebb and flow of football.
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Look at what happened between Wolken and Currie, then know that this kind of stuff happens with more consequential reporting, like politics.

Mark Nagi also stated in "Decade of Dysfunction" that Schiano was well-known in media circles for leaking information, which made him kind of unusual among coaches who are usually really tight-lipped. That's why others in the media went to bat for him too - they liked him because he'd tell them stuff other coaches wouldn't, and were disappointed when Tennessee fans killed the hire. They perceived Schiano being a head coach at a big program was good for them, good for business.

The release of those emails/texts from the coaching search was one of the most interesting things I've seen in a long time.

Wow, that is very interesting. And there is most likely a lot of truth in that.

Oh it certainly happens in politics and other consequential things. It's extremely extremely common in the stock market.
You're posts usually read similarly.


I'll believe that was your intention this 1 time out of 5541.

For everyone taking the Josh Moon tweet at face value, he's not an overly respected media source down here and he's certainly not plugged into the football programs anymore than the average national media guy. Just a heads up.
I knew he was suspect when he said the thing about Cristobal not even being contacted
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From the article I linked, referring to Hugh Freeze's Ole Miss:

"No school in the SEC saw a larger fiscal increase year-over-year than the Rebels who, despite a 5-7 record in 2016, earned $62.7 million in gross revenue, nearly $6 million more than the previous fiscal year. Before the Hugh Freeze debacle, he had the program in the national conversation after beating Alabama twice. This number should fall substantially when the 2017-18 revenue figures are made available."

So winning matters?
We could be Bama if we invested in football and hired a proven coach.
Its so obvious it hurts. We have the facilities, we have the money, we have the tradition, we have the location, we have the fans that we travel and show up. Its a win/win for everyone, Athletics, Academics, Fans etc.

No reason we have had to endure this crap for the past really 15 years of the admin not caring about a winner. And if we truly do not have the funds and our AD mis managed the money that bad anyone still here involved in that should be fired immediately.
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