Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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So, LWS quote posted a while back says he expects a “vote of confidence” statement from Fulmer prior to the ATM game. That was from a day or two ago. And here we are creeping up to game day - and unless I missed it, I haven’t heard the full-throated support statement yet. Just crickets, and rumors.
The silence is interesting.
Here is the thing, if the admin or boosters wanted freeze and he wanted to be here it would have happened.

If that was their guy their unicorn then they just would have done it.

Programs move mountains to go get their guy.

But that hasn’t happened.

So if we move on for Pruitt it’s going to get ugly.
If we keep Pruitt it’s gonna get uglier!!
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Here is the thing, if the admin or boosters wanted freeze and he wanted to be here it would have happened.

If that was their guy their unicorn then they just would have done it.

Programs move mountains to go get their guy.

But that hasn’t happened.

So if we move on for Pruitt it’s going to get ugly.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds like you're operating from the premise that our admin and boosters don't have a clue what they're doing.. Honestly, I'm not sure that isn't the case....
We ARE a national program. However the best high school players that are the most college-ready year in and year out come from Florida, Georgia, Texas, and California. Need a recruiting presence in the South to be successful.
You act like he’s never crossed the Mason Dixon. He recruits the south but obviously he’s going to end up with more players from the north being that the school is...... In the north...
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Can you imagine the vitriol flung our way from Ole Miss if we take their coach after 1 year (full circle there huh) AND sign Arch who would have probably headed to Oxford.
don't care. i'd be here for it. lol

if kiffin were to come back, and i don't think it ever happens, it would be totally fitting for him to 'kiffin' someone else to do so. lol.
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You act like he’s never crossed the Mason Dixon. He recruits the south but obviously he’s going to end up with more players from the north being that the school is...... In the north...
yeah, cincy...not a national program. the south thing, doesn't matter. miles, saban and others have already proven that recruiters can recruit. and the staff does most of it anyway....
College sports will die when that becomes official, keep it under the table like it is.
It will certainly be different. Larger markets will obviously have built in advantages. Smaller markets will have to prove that players can make money. Fanbases most willing to open their wallets for jerseys, autographs, etc. will be the biggest draw.
Here is the thing, if the admin or boosters wanted freeze and he wanted to be here it would have happened.

If that was their guy their unicorn then they just would have done it.

Programs move mountains to go get their guy.

But that hasn’t happened.

So if we move on for Pruitt it’s going to get ugly.

Then I'll just be dik head and say **** like "they didn't try hard enough" or "they wanted it to get ugly so they keep Pruitt and it looks like they know what they are doing" idk ill be fine after a few months lol
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So, LWS quote posted a while back says he expects a “vote of confidence” statement from Fulmer prior to the ATM game. That was from a day or two ago. And here we are creeping up to game day - and unless I missed it, I haven’t heard the full-throated support statement yet. Just crickets, and rumors.
The silence is interesting.
I wouldn't assume for one second that the lack of a support statement means we're considering firing him.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if our admin lacks the self-awareness needed to understand that such a statement is necessary, if you intend to keep Pruitt.
So, LWS quote posted a while back says he expects a “vote of confidence” statement from Fulmer prior to the ATM game. That was from a day or two ago. And here we are creeping up to game day - and unless I missed it, I haven’t heard the full-throated support statement yet. Just crickets, and rumors.
The silence is interesting.

They’ve passed up a dozen opportunities to put a vote of confidence out there that would have made much more sense than any point between now and the end of the season. I would have thought that some point prior to ESD would have been ideal. I agree, the silence is deafening.
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Maybe it’s the COVID taking but I’m warming up to the idea of Gus.
I would be good with that, but coaches usually take some time off before jumping right back in to the pressure cooker. Not sure if it would affect his buyout if he hypothetically turned down a SEC head coaching job though.
So, LWS quote posted a while back says he expects a “vote of confidence” statement from Fulmer prior to the ATM game. That was from a day or two ago. And here we are creeping up to game day - and unless I missed it, I haven’t heard the full-throated support statement yet. Just crickets, and rumors.
The silence is interesting.

One thing I haven’t seen talked much about is how fulmer views the public shows of support ADs give coaches.

Fulmer is a coach first and a AD second and that will never change imo. It’s entirely possible he has always viewed public shows of support from an AD as unwanted.
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