Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Please don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds like you're operating from the premise that our admin and boosters don't have a clue what they're doing.. Honestly, I'm not sure that isn't the case....
That pretty much sums it up. The admin is in factions. They don’t all have the same goals or intent. It’s a mess. Dysfunctional. Not sustainable.
You act like he’s never crossed the Mason Dixon. He recruits the south but obviously he’s going to end up with more players from the north being that the school is...... In the north...
I don't disagree that Fickell would be a solid hire. I'm saying you can't overplay recruiting the South. That's where the players are.
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Of course, they do. UT runs the numbers for multiple scenarios. Donors provide input. Everybody has opinions. Many different opinions. Some people are going to be mad, no matter what. A knee-jerk reaction leading to another bad hire would outrage people all over again. They're not going to please everybody.
They need to start pleasing the 102,500 an share Freeze or Kiffin. Better yet go get Matt Campbell
I don't think it's unfair at all - agree to disagree there. I don't disagree that him presenting this idea under the guise of "player safety" was a ruse, though.

The stupid rule he tried to get passed, and failed, was a penalty for the offense if they snapped the ball before 10 seconds had run off the play clock. He tried to kill the entire concept of a hurry-up offense, and they told him no.

That was a really dumb idea, and just shows you that he understands the political economy of football better than anyone. He knows he has above board power because the SEC offices are staffed by Bama folks in Birmingham and we are the NCAAs cash cow, and then he also knows that he has every recruiting advantage. He understands power.

I think the way to beat HUNH without the rule change would have been to simplify your defense and personnel packages so you can swap people in and out faster, and have more versatile, athletic players who can last a whole series. There are fewer big, athletic people out there in the world, and Saban was able to stockpile them and get them reps time by rotating them. That was a distinct advantage he had because of recruiting, and the HUNH neutralized it because his 300 pounders would be sucking wind after a few plays and they’d get popped for penalties if he couldn’t get them off the field quickly.

Rather than evolve, he whined until he got a rule change. And when he realized that he wouldn’t be able to change enough of the rules to maintain his model, then he evolved.
that's fine. and i get all that. but you have alluded to this in the past, as well as some others, when you have a small group of "decision makers" that can/do throw their weight around, it can muck up the whole process, regardless of how well all the other parts may be working together. fair?

The decisionmakers I'm referring to are internal.

There's a lot of outside noise. An inner circle. And a guy at the top. The inner circle will come to a consensus. The guy at the top will make the call. And the board will formalize the decision, if/when a hire is made.

You'll never control the outside noise or corral those who think they're entitled to be part of the process. But the inner circle knows the value of compromise.
Pruitt is a better coach than most the names getting thrown around here, and Freeze is an overrated cheater. We're too late in this cycle to go through the search process, same lateness is why we ended up with Pruitt over Mullen last time.

Best case scenario is Pruitt proves he's the one next year, but if not he's fired after only 8 games or so. This way you're ahead of all the other P5 firings and can have pick of the litter of available coaches. Cutting him lose now would be a absolute disaster and we'll end up with a worse coach.
Umm, bud, it is already an absolute disaster. Not sure if you're paying attention.
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It does if you put yourself in Saban’s shoes and you don’t want to be bothered by baby-sitting your five stars during bowl practices. Yet another instance where Saban has bent the rules to his favor and ruined college football for everyone else. Just like his whining about hurry-up offenses and player safety.

Couple early signing day with the 25 player cap on signing day, and it’s really hard for someone to come in and flip a roster. It’s like it putts any new coach one year behind in a rebuild from the jump.
that wasnt my point. but I 110% agree with your sentiment. the inherent unfairness of a fairness rule has made CFB nearly unbearable for many
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IF a change comes, and I still have serious doubts it does, we need to be smarter about it than Auburn and have our guy targeted and ready to take over. Another drawn out coaching search will screw us over even more.
Have you ever seen UT be prepared for any hire?
Here is the thing, if the admin or boosters wanted freeze and he wanted to be here it would have happened.

If that was their guy their unicorn then they just would have done it.

Programs move mountains to go get their guy.

But that hasn’t happened.

So if we move on for Pruitt it’s going to get ugly.

Would it not be unreasonable for it to have not happened yet because the season is not over? It isn't a normal year where new hires are already, for the most part, wrapped up weeks ago. Also, UT was in a unique situation with ESD in the middle of the season, would it not have been beneficial to keep a HC on board during that time? I don't understand how we would have already done it if it was going to be done.
Conference leaders don’t like Freeze yet let all the other schools get away with murder, literally looking at you UF. Bruce Pearl? Will Wade? Kirby? Ed O? Yet we care what Sankey thinks? They’ll just protect their blue bloods and our University doesn’t care about being elite anymore.
That was a really dumb idea, and just shows you that he understands the political economy of football better than anyone. He knows he has above board power because the SEC offices are staffed by Bama folks in Birmingham and we are the NCAAs cash cow, and then he also knows that he has every recruiting advantage. He understands power.

I think the way to beat HUNH without the rule change would have been to simplify your defense and personnel packages so you can swap people in and out faster, and have more versatile, athletic players who can last a whole series. There are fewer big, athletic people out there in the world, and Saban was able to stockpile them and get them reps time by rotating them. That was a distinct advantage he had because of recruiting, and the HUNH neutralized it because his 300 pounders would be sucking wind after a few plays and they’d get popped for penalties if he couldn’t get them off the field quickly.

Rather than evolve, he whined until he got a rule change. And when he realized that he wouldn’t be able to change enough of the rules to maintain his model, then he evolved.
That's exactly what he's done. He doesn't recruit LBs like Dont'a Hightower or DTs like Terence Cody anymore. He recruits dudes like Jonathan Allen and Reuben Foster.

I know Saban is the quintessential villain, and he undoubtedly has a lot of power, but the NCAA basically told him "boo" with his proposed rule changes. The defense being allowed to substitute if the offense does I don't really think is unfair, and it didn't allow him to continue to run his same defensive system.

Saban tried to kill HUNH via rule changes, and they basically told him no, so he created a HUNH offense of his own and started recruiting smaller, faster players in his front 7. The NCAA didn't really acquiesce to him.
that wasnt my point. but I 110% agree with your sentiment. the inherent unfairness of a fairness rule has made CFB nearly unbearable for many

Oh yeah, I’m on the same page with you. This doesn’t make any sense at all until you step back and realize how much has been altered to placate Saban’s whining.
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BBall Friday > Fball Saturday?
lol wait what do y’all have against the family? Did I miss something?
Somebody here made a statement yesterday that bears repeating. Tennessee fans can be the best in sports at times and the worst in sports at times. Some of the same ones that claim our program is embarrassing have no concern about how embarrassing we fans can be.
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