Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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That is the problem.... there are no home run hitters in the market YET. Freeze is not even a solid double with his NCAA baggage. For every gung ho I don't care about his past fan, there are two to three times that many folks that would get sick if we stoop that low. The vast majority of them do not join boards and call into radio shows. Most rational people do not, only we radical folks on each end of the spectrum do. That leaves a big bunch in the middle. Our next guy has to be a consensus candidate. Hoping our admin has some guys on a super secret list in the top drawer when we make a change. Whenever that change is made.

What would you consider a homerun that is not in the market right now but could be?

Freeze combined with the resources at UT and proven history of beating the big dogs in the conference is almost as sure thing as it gets IMO.
So, to all here who insist that UT's leadership doesn't want to win...why do you think that? The leadership isn't the same people that got us here. At all. What evidence has Fulmer, Boyd, or Plowman ever given that suggests they don't want to win? They've given Pruitt everything he's asked for. Overpriced coordinators. More staff. Facilities. The constant insistence that they don't want to win is ignorant, and perhaps even destructive.

Boyd is a business guy, not an academic. He didn't get where he is without a competitive drive and didn't get where he is without an understanding of the immense value of having an elite football program. He wants to win because it's good business. The thing that @LA Vol has made abundantly clear is that he doesn't want to make a move simply to do so, he will make a move if he believes he can make the right one. Which is simply wisdom. Doing the wrong thing here could be just as destructive, or worse, than doing nothing. Give the man a chance to do his job.
good post..
realistic viewpoint that also gives some hope
I’d like to see the Venn diagram of those giving up and saying they want to lose to A&M and those who complain when players on the team give up.

That’s not an endorsement of Pruitt. It’s a rejection of all of you and your innate instincts to take your ball and go home.

In another time, you’d be labeled as pus*ies.
Been researching it. There really isn't anything in the vaccine that is dangerous. From what I gathered and I am no doctor, is RNA and something about SARS covid-2 suppose to attack the virus if you happen to get it. There are other things in it that are big medical words that I have no clue what they all are. lol

It changes your DNA to trick the virus. That’s what gives me pause.
I’d like to see the Venn diagram of those giving up and saying they want to lose to A&M and those who complain when players on the team give up.

That’s not an endorsement of Pruitt. It’s a rejection of all of you and your innate instincts to take your ball and go home.

In another time, you’d be labeled as pus*ies.

No one really wants to lose.. actually a win would be pretty awesome especially considering it would knock someone out of the playoffs.... but if a loss were to guarantee a change at the top, I can see where they're coming from.. I'm on the fence and and see where both sides of this argument are coming from
One question and I think it’s an important one is...

Do we have a spring practice? That will imo, be a big part of the decision making process on this whole deal. Do you bring in a new coach who doesn’t get that or just keep trotting out what you already have.
It isn't that they don't want to win.

It's that they (especially the boosters) prioritize who gets the credit, or who gets control, over winning. That results in an organization that attempts to move in 10 different directions every time there's a decision like this to be made.

When you have that many overachievers making decisions, there will be strong opinions and disagreements. Fine. The question is whether Randy Boyd can build consensus. My guess is 'yes'.
No one really wants to lose.. actually a win would be pretty awesome especially considering it would knock someone out of the playoffs.... but if a loss were to guarantee a change at the top, I can see where they're coming from.. I'm on the fence and and see where both sides of this argument are coming from

That’s a loser mentality for losers
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He also said we need to lose badly on Saturday for a change to be be made

He’s got those bases covered

I also don’t buy that the outcome has any bearing on Pruitt (except, maybe, if we absolutely blew their doors off and looked like a well-oiled machine in the process).

I don’t think even our administration would be that monumentally shortsighted.
1. Anyone who thinks Saturday will be close is kidding themselves. They want to get in the playoff. They are going to put up as many points as they can.
2. One game does not determine his fate. They have looked at the whole season. It has been pretty much decided, but if he were to pull an upset, it may change that decision.

I would shocked if he is back. A lot of people are not happy and a blow out will make it an easy decision.
The thing is that the players back Pruitt and they're the ones playing the game. If they think this game determines his fate, anything is possible. Players don't think the way fans do.
For those keeping score

LA says tomorrow’s outcome doesn’t matter

atl, Hank and OB say the off the field issues are a worry

and matt says tomorrow outcome matters (as well as Bob from 247)
Not hard to understand that @LA Vol has said tomorrow game doesn’t have an impact in that Randy Boyd will decide what he wants to do and do it and @matts42012 and bob have said it matters in that a blowout loss makes the decision an easy one.
So, to all here who insist that UT's leadership doesn't want to win...why do you think that? The leadership isn't the same people that got us here. At all. What evidence has Fulmer, Boyd, or Plowman ever given that suggests they don't want to win? They've given Pruitt everything he's asked for. Overpriced coordinators. More staff. Facilities. The constant insistence that they don't want to win is ignorant, and perhaps even destructive.

Boyd is a business guy, not an academic. He didn't get where he is without a competitive drive and didn't get where he is without an understanding of the immense value of having an elite football program. He wants to win because it's good business. The thing that @LA Vol has made abundantly clear is that he doesn't want to make a move simply to do so, he will make a move if he believes he can make the right one. Which is simply wisdom. Doing the wrong thing here could be just as destructive, or worse, than doing nothing. Give the man a chance to do his job.

So, I googled Randy Boyd for the very first time, and didn't realize he owns minor league baseball teams.

Looks like we got a sports-lovin' OG from down Chapman Highway calling the shots this time around...
Auburn still hasn’t figured out that warring factions of boosters, no matter how batshit or craven, cannot produce a functional national title contender. The anecdotes I’ve received this past week absolutely reek of Arkansas’ warring money tribes in the 2000s — a bunch of monied, insecure meddlers horrified that history won’t smile on them as the “real architect” of some imagined dynasty yet to be and willing to burn down the house with everyone in it. Thus is the methodology in a dick measuring contest among men who pay amateur athletes and put their name on buildings: If no one else is standing, yours is the biggest. Even if it’s still real small.

Congrats, Auburn, you’re driving straight into a granite slab of Rocky Top. It’s one thing to behave in a manner that keeps your fans roiled or the Internet laughing. What you’ve accomplished this week is something most of us considered impossible: You, a Top 10 job, have alienated and/or alarmed any current candidate worthy enough of the salary and expectations of a Top 10 job. How long this stigma lasts is unknown, but if you’re curious how hard it is to wash off, ask the Vols. Or just hire Jeremy Pruitt.

Does Auburn know it’s not a scrappy, also-ran SEC program?
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