Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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I don’t want a coaching search. I either want to keep Pruitt or if you cut ties you got someone lined up to announce two days later.

If it’s not a no brainer then don’t do it. It has to be a clear upgrade or you give him a shot without covid and a new QB.
And a couple staff changes...
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Tomorrow's game shouldn't have an impact unless we come out and just blow out A&M by 20+. That'd be the only way Id feel like "well maybe there is hope" but that's as likely as pigs flying. Let's be real.

I think the game will tell us a lot about where this program stands. Are the players behind Pruitt 100%? Is Pruitt's heart really in it any more?
right, the angst lies with the money folks, and the jockeying for position that goes on. if left up to the actual decision makers on the payroll for UT/UTAD, i do think we're in a lot better shape there.

the behind the scenes part, i've no reason to believe that's improved....
Great...LA liked this.
Good vibes request for potential opportunities in Nashville or DC. Need the good mojos
I don’t want a coaching search. I either want to keep Pruitt or if you cut ties you got someone lined up to announce two days later.

If it’s not a no brainer then don’t do it. It has to be a clear upgrade or you give him a shot without covid and a new QB.
Covid is not an excuse. Nor is the QB situation. The only no brainer solution is to send him packing and hire a better coach. Keep him is a s*** for brainer option.
I don’t want a coaching search. I either want to keep Pruitt or if you cut ties you got someone lined up to announce two days later.

If it’s not a no brainer then don’t do it. It has to be a clear upgrade or you give him a shot without covid and a new QB.
Id prefer a three ring circus to keeping Pruitt.
I don't dislike him because he got a head start. I actually find it distasteful when people dislike somebody purely because they inherited money or because they were born into wealth.

Haslam is a joke because of the rebate thing and because he thinks his donations to UT are the equivalent of equity stakes in the athletic department, which means he gets to dictate terms to the actual decision makers. I don't think he knows the first thing about how to pick an athletic director or football coach, and I think he believes it's his right to control UT because of all the money he and his family have given to it over the years. I'm sure he had some role in the success of his company, but I think a lot of other people could have probably done the same thing if they were in his position. Given the rebate thing and just how he generally manages things (UT, the Browns), I just don't think he's a uniquely talented leader.

Very few people that win the lottery do anything good with it. Most end up worse than when they started. I've run a small company for 29 years. They don't run themselves. God has blessed me with the ability to contribute significant money to others. I know from personal experience that even when donating to ministries and charities, there is a temptation to try to gain something from that, whether recognition, or favors, or influence, or whatever. I will not judge another's motive, particularly one who has donated many times more than me.
Covid is not an excuse. Nor is the QB situation. The only no brainer solution is to send him packing and hire a better coach. Keep him is a s*** for brainer option.


If Bama, UGA, or UF wouldn't accept the results Pruitt has delivered--and they wouldn't--then why should we? Do we want to be competitive with those programs or not? If we keep him it's a sign that we are content with hoping--HOPING--that he can become an 8-4 guy on a regular basis. Because there's zero precedent or hope that he will suddenly become a 10-2 guy given enough time (and Majors doesn't count, seeing as how he had a national championship when he arrived).
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I don’t want a coaching search. I either want to keep Pruitt or if you cut ties you got someone lined up to announce two days later.

If it’s not a no brainer then don’t do it. It has to be a clear upgrade or you give him a shot without covid and a new QB.
I don’t want to keep Pruitt. Everyday he’s here is another day lost. At this point an unwrapped Twinkie would be a clear upgrade.
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I've read where Auburn boosters paid off the Malzahn buyout. Read the same about Muschamp, FSU, etc.

What happened when we fired Butch? Did the boosters decline to pay that off and that's why it has been on our books this whole time? Or did they essentially fund the buyout account that Butch has been drawing off this whole time?
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