Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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I don’t want to lose to A&M. The outcome of that game should have no weight on Pruitt’s future. With that said I don’t think there’s much chance we wow anyone with a victory. We’re 0-35 in AP Top 10 matchups.
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too much message board fodder.

two weeks of wild speculation...on a coaching search we made up.....

i think it's the same as it's been for the past month. a lot is TBD. but the lion's share of the hay is already in the barn, and i have a hard time believing that after how the UK and Ark games went, that it all comes down to the last game of the year against a top 5 team vying for a play off berth...regardless of what has been posted.

you can put JP's body of work at TN on a screen and determine right now that he is a guy that is ripe for firing. there's absolutely nothing about his performance here that says "you gotta keep this guy".

so, no, i don't think the aTm game matters one bit. not at all.

i think they're doing what most do. wait til the season is over, and make a decision. and this year, i think situation and circumstance, as well as the immediate health of the program and the long term health of the program have to be the driving factors in whatever decision....and included in that is, or it better be, "who are we getting". deciding to fire pruitt is easy, as stated above....there's already enough to justify moving on from pruitt. it HAS to be about who are we getting, can we get?

i'm not going to advocate for the competency of our "powers that be", but even i don't think they're all sitting around like "well, let's see what he does this weekend"

let's not let good fodder get in the way of common sense.
Something should have been said 2 weeks ago to squash rumors. Come out and support your guy or let him go. Rumors only get worse. If UT fires Pruitt you better have your #1 or #2 lined up. No more of this search firm BS. If you don’t have your guy keep JP. Settling for scrap coaches has gotten us into this mess every time. Tired of TN being a joke of the CFB world. HAVE A PLAN!!
Bear with me here, I know I may get lambasted for this but would you be willing to ride with Pruitt it another year if Tennessee was able to hire a much better coach? Let's say that Tennessee has reached out and not gotten the feedback that they wanted from prospective coaches? I realize many if not most would are going to say, "But Freeze could be here in 24 hours." Maybe that's true but perhaps there is more to the story than we know. Perhaps there is laundry that hasn't been aired. Think Donnie Tyndall. If you take Freeze off the table, I'm not sure who you could get. Malzahn I suppose but does he want to jump back in? Do we want damaged goods from Auburn (I know, Barnes was damaged goods from Texas)? The other coaches mentioned seem like solid coaches but they've not really proven it on a stage this big. I guess what I'm trying to say is if waiting a year meant a top shelf coach, would you be willing to do it. For me I think so. If recruiting fell off the rails I would say no but the class isn't bad, which is remarkable given the circumstances.

The downside to waiting IMO, is he goes 6-6 or 7-5 next year and that's seen as improvement and he's granted more time. If that happens and he has a decent year in 2022, he gets extended again.
No decision rides on the aTm game. It's the #5 team in the country and they're a better, more complete team than we are this year. The decision rides on what the guy at the top wants to do and whether UT can make what they feel is the right hire. A very small group has meaningful input.

No point in me repeating this over and over. Those who choose to believe otherwise, feel free.
Thank you. It is amazing how logic eludes some of our “fans”. Should also be pointed out that none of the current administration (pres, chancellor, chair of BOT) was in place for the last search. Personally I want JP replaced and think we will have a field of candidates who will be an improvement over our last 3 HC. just my IMO.
Bear with me here, I know I may get lambasted for this but would you be willing to ride with Pruitt it another year if Tennessee was able to hire a much better coach? Let's say that Tennessee has reached out and not gotten the feedback that they wanted from prospective coaches? I realize many if not most would are going to say, "But Freeze could be here in 24 hours." Maybe that's true but perhaps there is more to the story than we know. Perhaps there is laundry that hasn't been aired. Think Donnie Tyndall. If you take Freeze off the table, I'm not sure who you could get. Malzahn I suppose but does he want to jump back in? Do we want damaged goods from Auburn (I know, Barnes was damaged goods from Texas)? The other coaches mentioned seem like solid coaches but they've not really proven it on a stage this big. I guess what I'm trying to say is if waiting a year meant a top shelf coach, would you be willing to do it. For me I think so. If recruiting fell off the rails I would say no but the class isn't bad, which is remarkable given the circumstances.

The downside to waiting IMO, is he goes 6-6 or 7-5 next year and that's seen as improvement and he's granted more time. If that happens and he has a decent year in 2022, he gets extended again.
You lost me at Bear with me, I mean what is this Novel Friday?1608313416850.gif
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Bear with me here, I know I may get lambasted for this but would you be willing to ride with Pruitt it another year if Tennessee was able to hire a much better coach? Let's say that Tennessee has reached out and not gotten the feedback that they wanted from prospective coaches? I realize many if not most would are going to say, "But Freeze could be here in 24 hours." Maybe that's true but perhaps there is more to the story than we know. Perhaps there is laundry that hasn't been aired. Think Donnie Tyndall. If you take Freeze off the table, I'm not sure who you could get. Malzahn I suppose but does he want to jump back in? Do we want damaged goods from Auburn (I know, Barnes was damaged goods from Texas)? The other coaches mentioned seem like solid coaches but they've not really proven it on a stage this big. I guess what I'm trying to say is if waiting a year meant a top shelf coach, would you be willing to do it. For me I think so. If recruiting fell off the rails I would say no but the class isn't bad, which is remarkable given the circumstances.

The downside to waiting IMO, is he goes 6-6 or 7-5 next year and that's seen as improvement and he's granted more time. If that happens and he has a decent year in 2022, he gets extended again.
I think the problem is the perception we have as fans of who is a solid replacement. My personal opinion is that the field of quality coaches is much deeper than it was when Pruitt was hired. What makes a coach solid and SEC ready is very subjective. Completely agree with your take on the downside. Would hope that 6-6 or 7-5 would NOT buy him another year, but who really knows?
Something should have been said 2 weeks ago to squash rumors. Come out and support your guy or let him go. Rumors only get worse. If UT fires Pruitt you better have your #1 or #2 lined up. No more of this search firm BS. If you don’t have your guy keep JP. Settling for scrap coaches has gotten us into this mess every time. Tired of TN being a joke of the CFB world. HAVE A PLAN!!

You kind of contradicted yourself. At this level, plans are approved by multiple high level people and take time. You prepare for that plan and exhaust all options.

If they had announced something 2-3 weeks ago, to me, that would suggest that they didn't have much of a plan.
It changes your DNA to trick the virus. That’s what gives me pause.
That's not the case. The vaccine has little spheres of lipids similar to your cell membrane with mRNA inside. They bind to the cell and the cell then takes the MRNA into the cytoplasm. Your cells make mRNA all the time to manufacture proteins. The mRNA is used as an instruction set by the cell to direct protein synthesis, molecule by molecule, based on the code contained in the mRNA. mRNA is not long-lived, and won't have any affect on your own DNA.
The vaccine mRNA directs vaccinated cells to manufacture the COVID spike protein needed for infection. The cells near the injection site that take in the vaccine and start churning out the proteins will be recognized by your immune system as "other" and will be killed. The spike protein then gets remembered as enemy material so that your immune system is primed for action the next time you see the virus.
I'm getting mine tomorrow.
Bear with me here, I know I may get lambasted for this but would you be willing to ride with Pruitt it another year if Tennessee was able to hire a much better coach? Let's say that Tennessee has reached out and not gotten the feedback that they wanted from prospective coaches? I realize many if not most would are going to say, "But Freeze could be here in 24 hours." Maybe that's true but perhaps there is more to the story than we know. Perhaps there is laundry that hasn't been aired. Think Donnie Tyndall. If you take Freeze off the table, I'm not sure who you could get. Malzahn I suppose but does he want to jump back in? Do we want damaged goods from Auburn (I know, Barnes was damaged goods from Texas)? The other coaches mentioned seem like solid coaches but they've not really proven it on a stage this big. I guess what I'm trying to say is if waiting a year meant a top shelf coach, would you be willing to do it. For me I think so. If recruiting fell off the rails I would say no but the class isn't bad, which is remarkable given the circumstances.

The downside to waiting IMO, is he goes 6-6 or 7-5 next year and that's seen as improvement and he's granted more time. If that happens and he has a decent year in 2022, he gets extended again.
I read it, but too much risk keeping him. Either he wins enough to stay longer which hurts in the long run, or you make a change during an important recruiting class and probably lose all of this in state talent.
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So, to all here who insist that UT's leadership doesn't want to win...why do you think that? The leadership isn't the same people that got us here. At all. What evidence has Fulmer, Boyd, or Plowman ever given that suggests they don't want to win? They've given Pruitt everything he's asked for. Overpriced coordinators. More staff. Facilities. The constant insistence that they don't want to win is ignorant, and perhaps even destructive.

Boyd is a business guy, not an academic. He didn't get where he is without a competitive drive and didn't get where he is without an understanding of the immense value of having an elite football program. He wants to win because it's good business. The thing that @LA Vol has made abundantly clear is that he doesn't want to make a move simply to do so, he will make a move if he believes he can make the right one. Which is simply wisdom. Doing the wrong thing here could be just as destructive, or worse, than doing nothing. Give the man a chance to do his job.
Look at you showing your age and dropping a Pearl of wisdom.
I just emailed you

“I was very clear, I was on ESPN GameDay, that Liberty has been so good to me and I love it here on the mountain, and my family loves it on the mountain, that it would take something really, really special for me to consider leaving here,” Freeze concluded. “I meant that and I meant it to this today and it’s going to take something that makes my heart flutter with great excitement, and to this point, to be very candid with you, I’m not saying the other places that have come open I don’t know if their heart flutters about me, that’s not for me to say, but to this point, nothing has made my heart flutter more than just staying on the mountain and building this program.”

Hugh Freeze and SIAP
That's not the case. The vaccine has little spheres of lipids similar to your cell membrane with mRNA inside. They bind to the cell and the cell then takes the MRNA into the cytoplasm. Your cells make mRNA all the time to manufacture proteins. The mRNA is used as an instruction set by the cell to direct protein synthesis, molecule by molecule, based on the code contained in the mRNA. mRNA is not long-lived, and won't have any affect on your own DNA.
The vaccine mRNA directs vaccinated cells to manufacture the COVID spike protein needed for infection. The cells near the injection site that take in the vaccine and start churning out the proteins will be recognized by your immune system as "other" and will be killed. The spike protein then gets remembered as enemy material so that your immune system is primed for action the next time you see the virus.
I'm getting mine tomorrow.

English please...vaccine helps.
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