Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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English please...vaccine helps.
it doesn't change your dna. It should theoretically be safer than other vaccines because this isnt a weakened live viral vector. It's mRNA of the virus which is just enough to make your immune response understand it and fight it better.
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it doesn't change your dna. It should theoretically be safer than other vaccines because this isnt a weakened live viral vector. It's mRNA of the virus which is just enough to make your immune response understand it and fight it better.
I’ve heard it has a ton of proteins in it so it could negatively affect reproductive health/ sterile. Not a huge conspiracy guy but that is concerning if true.
Maybe I'm cold hearted but business is business. Of you're going to make a change ya gotta do it cant keep a guy because of a personal deal.
I somewhat agree with you. I’m just assuming the funeral would be Monday or so. I can see them waiting until Wednesday morning is all I’m saying. What’s needed is needed regardless.
Hate that for coach Pruitt. Hope he got some quality time with his granddad before he passed. Prayers for them.
It’s always sad when a family member passes, but if you told me id get 93 years and being surrounded by family as i quietly passed on, id take that in a heartbeat.
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