Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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That would be a horrible look.

I get why people think it would look bad if he was fired after the death of his granddad, but it’s not like he is being put out on the streets.

Power 5 coaches live in a fantasy world where they get paid millions of dollars when they fail at their job.

My condolences to Pruitt’s family. I don’t dislike him, but he this is a bottom line business and he has failed. It’s been said, but you cannot afford to have a lame duck coach leading into 2021.
Suggesting that these players, this team, this program doesnt get an overwhelming amount of fan support is about the dumbest thing I will hear this week...........and some dude told me he caught bigfoot digging in his trash cans on Tuesday.

You think in a year where attendance was as it was they felt the same kind of support as before?

You think they have felt their fans encouraging them with support this season?

you think they saw the rock painted on their campus asking for their coach to be fired while he was at his family members death bed?

you think they felt their fans saying they were scared to play vandy?

you think they have enjoyed knowing a fire Pruitt protest is being planned on game day tomorrow?

you think they have enjoyed politicians hitting social Media asking for Their coach to be fired?

so hell yeah I think those players haven’t felt supported at all by their fans. Not even close
I get why people think it would look bad if he was fired after the death of his granddad, but it’s not like he is being put out on the streets.

Power 5 coaches live in a fantasy world where they get paid millions of dollars when they fail at their job.

My condolences to Pruitt’s family. I don’t dislike him, but he this is a bottom line business and he has failed. It’s been said, but you cannot afford to have a lame duck coach leading into 2021.
Yeah your average guy on the street doesnt get the sympathy of the public if his grandfather passes away. As they say, it’s just business. Nothing personal against Pruitt at all. He will be fine. He just is not cut out to be a head coach it seems. This is all hypothetical of course becuase it’s possible he never was getting fired in the first place.
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I don’t want a coaching search. I either want to keep Pruitt or if you cut ties you got someone lined up to announce two days later.

If it’s not a no brainer then don’t do it. It has to be a clear upgrade or you give him a shot without covid and a new QB.
Quoted because I'm not able to like it more than once......
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Very few people that win the lottery do anything good with it. Most end up worse than when they started. I've run a small company for 29 years. They don't run themselves. God has blessed me with the ability to contribute significant money to others. I know from personal experience that even when donating to ministries and charities, there is a temptation to try to gain something from that, whether recognition, or favors, or influence, or whatever. I will not judge another's motive, particularly one who has donated many times more than me.
I actually don't mind the wanting of recognition. That shouldn't be reason #1 for charity, but I get it. Most people have a need for recognition on some level.

It's a common thing for someone to see a nice hospital that is named after some wealthy benefactor and go "They only donated the money for that because they got a tax write off, or they wanted their name on the building to stroke their ego." Every time I hear that I think "Well, would you have rather the government taken their money via taxation and just wasted it? Or would you have rather them stroked their ego by buying another 10,000 square foot house?"

What grinds my gears is when charitable donations are made primarily for favor-trading or control over the entity that receives the donation. Particularly if they don't really know anything about the environment that the charity/non-profit operates in (like Jimmy Haslam and running an athletic department). Perhaps it isn't the right thing to do, but I do judge negatively on the basis of that motive.
I do gotta say that I am pretty disgusted by the fire Pruitt crowd throwing out allegations of cheating (which is ridiculous in this league anyway...everybody "cheats" to one degree or another) just to help shove him out the door...that is some low down crap.

It makes no sense. They get mad at Dooley and Butch not using the resources and now try to use against Pruitt for using them. They hated Dooley and butch because they weren’t Pruitt willing to get dirty and hate Pruitt because he isn’t Butch/Dooley professional media image
I do gotta say that I am pretty disgusted by the fire Pruitt crowd throwing out allegations of cheating (which is ridiculous in this league anyway...everybody "cheats" to one degree or another) just to help shove him out the door...that is some low down crap.
We aren't mad at him for cheating. We are mad that 1 he cheated and got caught. 2 We are cheating and still suck
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So if that's true, Kiffin is leaving Ole Miss for Auburn after being at Ole Miss for only 1 year. I guess he'll say Auburn was his dream job. Lol.

And there's some on here that thinks he's matured and changed his ways. Same old Lane.

Stay away from Knoxville Kiffin

There's no loyalty in coaching. Money talks, and Auburn is a better job than Ole Miss. I think that speaks for itself.
You think in a year where attendance was as it was they felt the same kind of support as before?

You think they have felt their fans encouraging them with support this season? Yes

you think they saw the rock painted on their campus asking for their coach to be fired while he was at his family members death bed? What does his Grandfather's health situation have to do with his employment? Players are still being supported.

you think they felt their fans saying they were scared to play vandy? Doubt many even gave it a second thought as an issue as it was like 4 people suggesting this

you think they have enjoyed knowing a fire Pruitt protest is being planned on game day tomorrow? See above

you think they have enjoyed politicians hitting social Media asking for Their coach to be fired? See above

so hell yeah I think those players haven’t felt supported at all by their fans. Not even close I'm not surprised you dont.......have you even had a conversation with any of the players? This is your take on the situation because you are Captain Contrarian about everything.

There you go scooter
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